THE COMPLETE AIRCRAFT REGISTER OF THE DUTCH ANTILLES The PJ-prefix was allocated to the Netherlands Antilles (before the Second World War mostly indicated as Curaçao) in 1929. The first aircraft that entered the register was in 1935, the Fokker F.18 PJ-AIS. Since 1986 Aruba has an independent status within the Kingdom of the Netherlands; and became its own aircraft register, with the P4-prefix. Database compiled by Arno Landewers (email: Updated: 13Jul2024 NOTE: the information given here has not official status. Sources are summed at the end of this page. Record format: Registration marking aircraft type aircraft construction number Previous registration marks Event descriptions Date format: (day (2 digits), month (2 digits), year (4 digits)) Date 00.00.0000 indicates that the date is not known, and for instance the format 00.04.2004 indicates April 2004 (so day not known). A registration mark between brackets () indicates that the registration mark was not taken up. Used abbreviations: a/c: aircraft. b/u: broken up. cld: registration cancelled. CoA: certificate of airworthiness. c/s: colour scheme. frd: ferried. lsd: leased. MLG: Main Landing Gear. ntu: not taken up. opf: operations for. rgd: registered. wfu: withdrawn from use. w/o: written-off. UK: United Kingdom US: United States PJ-AAA Fairchild PT-19A Cornell 00.08.1945 rgd Aruba Flying Club. 00.00.1949 cld. PJ-AAB Fairchild PT-19A Cornell 00.08.1945 rgd Aruba Flying Club. 00.00.1949 w/o. 00.03.1950 cld. PJ-AAC Aeronca 11AC Chief 11AC-374 00.08.1946 rgd Aruba Flying Club. 00.08.1953 cld. Sold to Aero Club Curaçao, soon wfu. PJ-AAD Consolidated Vultee BT-13A 00.05.1947 rgd Aruba Flying Club. 00.00.1955 wfu. PJ-AAE Consolidated Vultee BT-13A 00.05.1947 rgd Aruba Flying Club. 00.00.1953 cld. PJ-AAF Consolidated Vultee BT-13A 6189 42-22269 00.05.1947 rgd Aruba Flying Club. 00.00.1953 cld. Sold Venezuela. PJ-AAG Consolidated Vultee BT-13A 00.05.1947 rgd Aruba Flying Club. 29.04.1950 w/o. PJ-AAH Consolidated Vultee BT-13A 00.05.1947 rgd Aruba Flying Club. 00.00.1953 cld. PJ-AAI Consolidated Vultee BT-13A 00.05.1947 rgd Aruba Flying Club 23.05.1954 Hato/Curaçao. Mr. V.D. Kuwas, assisting with starting up the engine, was killed when he was struck by the propeller. 00.00.1956 cld. PJ-AAJ Aeronca 11AC Chief 11AC-1854 00.06.1947 rgd Aruba Flying Club. 00.00.1953 w/o. PJ-AAK Fairchild PT-26A 00.07.1947 rgd Aruba Flying Club. after 00.09.1948 cld. PJ-AAL Aeronca 7AC Champion 7AC-7063 31.05.1947 rgd Aruba Flying Club. 12.05.1948 w/o. Rebuilt, flew again in 1950. PJ-AAM Cessna UC-78C Bobcat 6568 NC59303, 43-32650 00.10.1947 frd Tulsa- Jackson- Tallahassee - Miami (all USA) - Camaguay (Cuba)- Port-au-Prince (Haiti) - Aruba, total flying time 20 hrs 23 min. 09.05.1948 rgd F. Roebuck, C. Kasson, W.L. Ewart. 00.10.1951 Caribbean Flying Association, Aruba. 23.03.1953 w/o near Higuerote (Venezuela), ditched in sea en route British Guiana (now Guyana) to Aruba. All five occupants were killed (all British nationality). From the investigation it appeared that one of the engines stopped in flight, and that the aircraft was too heavy. Note: c/n 6568 = 43-32630, c/n 6588 = 43-32650 ! PJ-AAN Cessna 140 8857 N89808 24.08.1955 rgd Aruba Flying Club. 21.10.1961 cld. to YV-T-PTE (00.07.1962), YV-2278 PJ-AAO Piper PA-12 Super Cruiser 12-3558 00.07.1948 rgd. after 00.01.1949 cld. PJ-AAP Erco 415E Ercoupe 4996 NC94872 00.05.1950 rgd. 00.09.1950 cld. sold in USA. PJ-AAR Erco 415E Ercoupe 4953 NC94837 00.11.1947 rgd. 00.00.1956 cld. PJ-AAS Consolidated Vultee BT-13 Valiant 00.03.1950 rgd Charles G. Drew. 00.12.1951 W.L. Ervart & P. Gordyn. 00.00.1955 cld. PJ-AAT Consolidated Vultee BT-13A Valiant 00.03.1950 rgd. 00.00.1950 Forced landing on the left bank of the Demerara river (British Guyana) after suffering engine failure. The aircraft was not salvaged. 00.00.1950 cld, "lost". PJ-AAU Consolidated Vultee BT-13A Valiant 00.03.1950 rgd; 50% of ownership by Joop Arens. 18.11.1951 Forced landing on muddy field between Pos-chiquito and Savaneta due to engine trouble; propellor and engine damaged. Pilot Joop Arens. It appeared a secured plug from a carburetter was not present, it even appeared that the locking wire/safety thread was cut. The matter was never solved; however the Valiant was grounded and finally broken up. PJ-AAV Beech A35 Bonanza D-553 NC3128V 27.11.1950 rgd A.H. Shaw, Aruba. 00.06.1954 C.C. Waddell, Aruba. 24.08.1962 cld. to YV-T-UTM, 16.12.1965 w/o. PJ-AAW Erco 415E Ercoupe 4968 07.09.1948 rgd Aruba Flying Club. 14.03.1962 cld. to YV-T-STO PJ-AAX Monocoupe 90AL-115 868 (?) N89620 00.06.1950 rgd Aruba Flying Club. 00.00.1954 cld. sold Rudi Kappel, Suriname, "where it was lost". The aircraft was exported to Suriname, but lost in a crash before reregistering. PJ-AAZ North American AT-6 Texan 14-777 (?) CF-FXR, FH143, 42-12530 00.05.1950 rgd. 00.00.1953 cld, sold US. PJ-ABA Grumman G.1159 Gulfstream IISP 163 (YV-60CP), N17581 00.00.1975 rgd Comp. Aerea del Caribe- Aruba (current 01.12.1975). 27.12.1977 cld. to N117JJ (rgd 00.01.1978). PJ-ACA Piper J3C-40 Cub 2202 00.08.1938 US export CoA issued for D. Schonegevel, Willemstad/Emmastad, Curaçao (issued around ca 27.08.1938). 30.08.1938 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 00.00.1940 Crashed during t/o Hato. Pilot Wenckebach and passenger (his daughter) were slightly injured. PJ-ACB Piper J3C-40 Cub 2640 23.12.1938 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 00.06.1940 Crashed during practicing landings at a Curaçao. It came to rest at a small dry saltlake at Oostpunt. In 1993 remains of the wreck could still be found there. Pilot P.B. Buist remained uninjured. PJ-ACC Piper J3C-65 Cub 4082 22.02.1940 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 21.04.1943 blown over during taxiing Hato. shipped to Rotterdam (Netherlands) 00.05.1946. according to other sources w/o after ground collision at Hato with USAAF a/c. "while landing on Hato collided with USAAF a/c, took off again less tail which still hung in the USAAF a/c, subsequently crashed and was a w/o". PJ-ACD Piper J3C-65 Cub 5299 05.11.1940 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 00.12.1946 Stalled during landing Hato and crashed; pilot killed. It appeared the pitot tube was clogged due to an entrapped insect. PJ-ACE Piper J3C-65 Cub 7994 18.02.1942 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. around 00.07.1947 cld, w/o, blown into sea after forced landing on coast North Curaçao, "lost". PJ-ACF Fairchild PT-19 Cornell T43-7224 (42-83637), NC51790 00.09.1945 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 00.00.1946 cld. sold in Venezuela. PJ-ACG Boeing N2S-4 Kaydet 00.10.1946 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 00.00.1951 cld. PJ-ACH Boeing N2S-4 Kaydet 00.10.1946 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 00.00.1951 cld. PJ-ACK Boeing N2S-4 Kaydet 00.10.1946 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 25.07.1950 went missing during flight from Hato. Assumed ditched. Crew J.W. Out and T.C. den Uyl. 00.00.0000 cld. PJ-ACL Piper J3C-65 Cub 22802 NC3564N 22.11.1948 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 15.01.1950 Curaçao/Hato. Took off in high winds during taxiing to hangar. On board was only a mechanic (M. Obispo), who was not in de possession of a pilots license. He increased power to prevent that the aircraft was smashed backwards on the ground. Obispo was able to land the aircraft without any damage. 21.10.1961 equipped with new engine. cld before 20.10.1966 (when CoR expired) PJ-ACM Piper PA-22-160 Tri-Pacer 22-5711 03.01.1963 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 18.05.1963 Ditched Santa Martha bay, Curaçao. After take off from Hato, the engine power decreased and due to a quick loss of height it was impossible to return to the airfield. The aircraft was landed on the water. Before it sunk all four occupants were able to leave the aircraft; they were picked up by a yacht. Pilot W.H.A. Quast was slightly injured; aircraft w/o. 26.09.1963 cld PJ-ACN Cessna 172B Skyhawk 17248225 YV-T-VTO 05.09.1963 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 08.06.1965 Forced landing at Bacuna estate at Bonaire. During practicing a forced landing, where an actual touch down was to be made on apparent sandy soil, the wheels were struck in mud and the aircraft was not able to lift off again. Instructor J. van Meerten, student pilot L.A. Abraham. 21.07.1967 cld, "no longer owned by Aero Club Curaçao, traded in for other aircraft". PJ-ACO Piper PA-22-160 Tri-Pacer 22-5205 N7441D 14.09.1963 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 31.07.1965 cld, "sold in Venezuela". PJ-ACP Piper J3C-65 Cub "43-1192" Built from fuselage of c/n 10053, ex PJ-GAD, P-2, 43-1192, (42-60002) 30.10.1965 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 24.03.1968 Damaged Hato, Curaçao due to skewed landing. 13.12.1968 damaged during crash, CoA and CoR suspended. 11.04.1969 CoR/CoA issued again after repairs. 30.09.1970 Forced landing Northern coast of Curaçao due to fuel leakage. Pilot G. Broersma, passenger Morrison. No damage, no injuries. After repairs the aircraft was flown back to Hato. 15.02.1975 Hato/Curaçao. In the afternoon a testflight was made after completion of an overhaul, paint job and installation of a new engine. Pilot was Carlos (Cai) Winkel, with Department of aviation inspector Mr. Nicolas (Nic) George as passenger. Immediately after take-off the engine quit and the aircraft hit the ground. The occupants were not injured but the aircraft was badly damaged 31.07.1975 cld. Wreck stored in hangar Aero Club Curaçao and probably later on broken up. PJ-ACR Cessna 175C Skylark 17557075 YV-T-PTV, (N8375T) 02.10.1964 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 00.00.1967 Lycoming engine and variable speed prop installed. 31.07.1968 Princess Beatrix airport Aruba. Blown over by propwind/jetblast and damaged. 00.00.1969 s/t Goos Broersma als PJ-AUK. 16.06.1969 application of reregistration as PJ-AUK to PJ-AUK PJ-ACS Piper PA-28-180 Cherokee C 28-3875 N9648J 28.12.1966 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 31.12.1968 Aruba. Just after departure to Curaçao the engine stoped. An engineless landing was made at Reina Beatrix Airport at Aruba, no damage. 31.07.1969 Nosewheel and propellor damaged during landing Bonaire. 11.11.1971 to H.J.M. Soeterboek 13.06.1974 cld. "change of ownership not reported within 3 months" (PJ-ACT) Piper PA-28-180 Cherokee C 28-3952 N11C reserved 00.03.1967 Aero Club Curaçao. delivered as G-AVSP. PJ-ACT Cessna 172H Skyhawk 17256509 N8309L 07.08.1967 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 03.09.1967 arr Curaçao on delivery, crew J. van Meerten and T. Hermelijn. 02.07.1974 cld. to PJ-CAP PJ-ACU Cessna 150H 15068450 N22689 02.02.1968 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 10.03.1968 Arr Willemstad/Hato, Curaçao on delivery from Miami, via Nassau (Bahamas), Great Inague (Bahamas), South Caicos (Turks and Caicos), Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), Puerto Rico, Sint Maarten, Martinique, Trinidad and Tobago, Barcelona (Venezuela) and Caracas (Venezuela). Crew: Roel Broersma and Karel Winkel. 02.08.1974 Crashed during photoflight at Berg Domi, Willemstad, Curaçao. Pilot R. Richi and passenger A. Jeuken killed. 05.08.1974 cld. PJ-ACV Cessna 182M Skylane 18259954 N91920 09.07.1969 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 25.04.1975 to Aviation Sales and Service NV, Curaçao. 00.00.1976 cld. to N96189 PJ-ACX Cessna 172M Skyhawk 17261637 N92874 02.05.1973 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 10.09.1974 Bonaire. Brakes malfunctioning during landing. Save landing. Pilot Gibbs. 17.05.1977 to Aviation Sales and Services NV, Curaçao. 00.00.0000 to Montijn (CarnCar) 00.06.1979 cld. to N2274P PJ-ACY Cessna 150L 15073275 N5375Q 14.03.1972 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 13.06.1979 cld, "change of ownership not reported within 3 months". (PJ-ACZ) Piper Cub reserved late 1960-ties, but ntu. PJ-ACZ Cessna 172M Skyhawk 17261385 PJ-AVB, N20550 00.00.1973 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. later Mr. Langendoen, Bonaire. rergd PJ-KLU. PJ-ADA Piper PA-23-160 Apache F 23-1960 N4441P 09.08.1962 rgd Windward Islands Airways NV (Winair), Sint Maarten. 07.04.1966 Harold Oduber, Aruba. 18.10.1973 National Business Equipment Co. NV, Curaçao. 26.05.1978 H. Oduber, Aruba. 00.11.1982 crashed Curaçao. 00.00.0000 cld. (PJ-ADA) painted on linktrainer. PJ-ADE Piper PA-23-235 Apache 27-539 N4944P 03.10.1963 rgd Windward Islands Airways NV (Winair), Sint Maarten. 02.02.1967 cld, "sold Puerto Rico", to N4199, N9DX. PJ-ADI Dornier Do 28A-1 3044 24.06.1963 rgd Windward Islands Airways NV, Sint Maarten (Winair), named "Saba". 18.09.1963 First commercial flight for Winair (opening Saba- Sint Maarten route). 17.05.1971 Crashed during landing Saba during its last commercial flight for Winair. Due to heavy crosswind the aircraft came to rest in a lower part of the terrain just next to the runway. A goat was killed. The aircraft was dumped into sea afterwards. 17.05.1971 cld. PJ-ADI Beech C23 Sundowner 180 M-1831 N1538L 00.10.1976 rgd Oduber Aviation Center. 00.00.0000 cld, to N604FC. PJ-ADO Beech D50 Twin Bonanza DH-022 N4964B 03.11.1965 rgd Windward Islands Airways NV (Winair), Sint Maarten. 10.06.1971 cld, to N5969. PJ-ADU Beech D50B Twin Bonanza DH-215 N660Q (since 1965 opf Winair as N660Q). 04.12.1968 rgd Windward Islands Airways NV (Winair), Sint Maarten. 00.00.1974 cld, "since 15.04.1973 not airworthy anymore", to N715WA, N17WA. PJ-AEB Curtis C-46F-1-CU Commando 22562/CU2671 N9320R, CF-KHP, N67992, 44-78739 05.08.1960 rgd Netherlands Antilles Air Transport NV, Curaçao 17.08.1960 arrived Hato/Curaçao and parked, after about 2 weeks departed to Miami. Never taken into service. 05.08.1963 cld, to LV-POI (reportedly already active in 11.1961), LV-HIB, 1970ies broken up Montevideo, Uruguay. PJ-AEC Curtiss C-46A-45-CU Commando 30224 PP-BLF, PP-LDJ, PP-XCQ, N50790, 42-96562 12.06.1963 rgd Netherlands Antilles Air Transport NV, Curaçao 00.06.1963 lsd to Transportes Aereos Uruguayos SA. 00.08.1963 Seized Bragado (Argentine) with contraband. 12.06.1966 cld, sold to Roberto Vasquez, Bolivia, to CP-786, w/o Yapacaní (near Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bovilia) 15.09.1966. PJ-AED Fokker F.VIII 5041 PH-AED, H-NAED 15.12.1937 rgd KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf, name "Duif", according to some sources rgd 00.02.1938. 00.03.1939 cld, according to some sources cld 00.00.1938. 00.03.1939 sold in Venezuela. According to some sources as YV-AFO, but no evidence was found of this. 00.04.1939 the aircraft landed at a too small field near Uruyun, Venezuela. It crashed during an attempt to take off from this field. 00.11.1999 were the remains of the aircraft (including frame and both engines) discovered by an Aviodome (National Aviation Museum of the Netherlands) expedition. The remains were recovered during 00.02.2001 and 00.03.2001. On 05.03.2001 the fuselage frame (which sadly had to be cut in 3 pieces) were moved to Canaima, Venezuela as slingload from a Venezuela Air Force Cougar. On 06.03.2001 the "Duif" was moved by an Air Force Hercules to Palo Negro where it was crated for shipping to the Netherlands. Arrival 02.04.2001 in Rotterdam. On 09.04.2001 the aircraft arrived at Aviodome and is since then exhibited in a diorama. Since 2003 on display in Aviodrome (new name for Aviodome) at new location Lelystad, Netherlands. Note: some sources state that PJ-AED was rergd PJ-AID in 00.03.1939, just before it went to Venezuela. No evidence was found for this however. PJ-AFA Piper J3C-65 Cub 9488 43-627, (42-59437) 20.11.1942 rgd Aruba Flying Club. 00.10.1946 to E. Luckhoo, M. Felipe and A. Nicols; based at De Vuijst, Aruba. w/o by 00.10.1949 and cld. PJ-AFC Beech B19 Sport 150 MB-544 15.03.1972 rgd Aruba Flying Club. 00.00.0000 to Oduber Aviation Center, Aruba. 26.09.1999 wreck seen at Aruba. PJ-AIK Lockheed 14WF62 Super Electra 1440 00.06.1938 rgd KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf, name "Kolibri". 13.08.1948 w/o. 00.00.1948 cld. 00.00.1948 Dumped into sea at Curaçao, North side, Hato Cliff. PJ-AIM Lockheed 14WF62 Super Electra 1441 (PH-ASM) 00.00.1938 rgd KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf, named "Meeuw". 00.08.1948 wfu. 00.00.1948 Dumped into sea at Curaçao, North side, Hato Cliff. PJ-AIO Fokker F.XVIII 5308 PH-AIO 12.07.1935 Arrival at Curaçao on board of ship SS "Boskoop" and in use with KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf as PH-AIO, name "Oehoe". 15.08.1935 Severe damaged during t/o at Aruba. The a/c came to rest on its nose. Fuselage shipped to Netherlands for repair. After return to Curaçao, the name was changed in "Oriol" (because "Oehoe", an owl, is a bad sign in the Antilles). 00.02.1936 rgd PJ-AIO to KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf. 16.03.1936 PH-AIO cld. 00.07.1940-00.01.1942 leased to Dutch gvmt for patrol flights around the Antilles. Flew in military colors and was equipped with a gun on its back. 00.00.1944 received tailwheel of a Lockheed 14. 00.08-00.11.1944 During maintenance the fuselage received new cover. Flew during 1944 588 hours. 00.00.0000 returned to KLM 25.07.1946 w/o and b/o. PJ-AIP Lockheed 14WF62 Super Electra 1410 00.03.1938 rgd KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf, named "Parkiet". 22.08.1942 w/o Piarco (Trinidad). Just after take-off the aircraft crashed in the bush due to engine failure. All 13 occupants were killed. Pilot P. Badings. PJ-AIR Britten-Norman BN-2B-26 Islander 2217 N26BN, F-ODUR, G-BRFZ 04.04.2018 ntd Miami Exec in full Divi Divi c/s, N26BN taped on. 00.09.2019 rgd Divi Divi Air, Curaçao. PJ-AIS Fokker F.XVIII 5312 PH-AIS "Snip" 15.12.1934-22.12.1934 Performed first flight from the Netherlands to the Antilles. Crew J.J. Hondong (captain), J.J. van Balkom (2nd pilot), L.D. Stolk (mechanicer) and S. van der Molen (telegraphist). Departure 15.12.1937 00:10hrs LT, 10488 km was covered in 54 hrs and 27 min. Route: Marseille (France), Alicante (Spain), Casablanca (Morocco), Porto Praia (Cape Verdian Islands, then part of Portugal), Paramaribo (Suriname, arrived 20.12.1934), La Guaira (Venezuela), Curaçao/Hato. For assistance the Dutch Navy submarine "K XVIII" and ships "Stuyvesant" and "Van Renelaer" were based on the Atlantic Ocean. The aircraft stayed at the Antilles. 16.03.1936 PH-AIS cld. 00.02.1936 rgd PJ-AIS to KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf. Flew during 1944 1008 hours. 17.04.1948 w/o. Used in 1948 for fire practice; the cockpitsection was moved to a museum at Willemstad, Curaçao. In 1991 this section was restored by Aviodome (National Dutch Aviation Museum) at Schiphol/Amsterdam, Netherlands. Afterwards it was displayed some time in Aviodome. Later on it returned to Curaçao. PJ-AIT Lockheed 14WF62 Super Electra 1412 00.03.1938 rgd to KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf, name "Troepiaal". 29.10.1943 Jamaica. Because the pilot was unable to get the undercarriage down (technical problem), a belly landing was made. The landing was made on the concrete runway of the military airfield. Non of the 10 occupants was injured. Repairs took almost 3 months. Pilot W.C.J. Versteegh. 13.08.1948 wfu. 00.00.1948 Dumped into sea at Curaçao, North side, Hato Cliff. PJ-AIW Douglas DC-5-510 424 (PH-AXA), (G-AFYI), (PH-AXA) 00.04.1940 rgd to KLM West Indisch Bedrijf, name “Wakago”. 10.06.1941 Dep Hato/Curaçao for shipping to Netherlands East Indies. to PK-ADC, 44-83231/VHCXB, 1946 broken up Melbourne- Essendon (Australia). PJ-AIW Britten-Norman BN-2A-26 Islander 2038 C-FLRB (cld 09.07.2003), 9M-WKC, N8094K, JA5285, G-BNEC 00.07.2003 s/t Antilles. 21.08.2003 rgd C-GZKG West Coast Air Ltd. 05.09.2003 C-GZKG cld, export to Netherlands Antilles. 00.09.2003 rgd Windward Islands Airways (Winair), St Maarten. 03.01.2004 Seen active St. Maarten, full Winair c/s. 00.08.2010 Reported active for EZ Air. PJ-AIZ Douglas DC-5-511 426 (PH-AXG), (G-AFYK), (PH-AXB) 00.05.1940 rgd to KLM West Indisch Bedrijf, name “Zonvogel”. 29.05.1941 Dep Hato/Curaçao for shipping to Netherlands East Indies. to PK-ADD, ”41-426”/VHCXC, 44-83232/VHCXC, VH-ARD, 1501 (air force Israel), 1955 broken up Haifa (Israel). PJ-AKA Lockheed 18 (C60A) 2540 42-56047 00.08.1943 rgd to KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf (according to other sources rgd 00.10.1943). 00.11.1943 taken into service, flew with military troop carrier interior. Made in 1943 284 flying hours. 03-19.08.1944 the military troop carrier interior was replaced by a civil interior. Cabin chairs were from the Lockheed 12A's (see PJ-AKC, -F). The conversion took place at Hato. Also was the military camouflage replaced by a metal skin appearance. Made in 1944 1029 flying hours. 11.08.1948 wfu. 00.00.1948 Dumped into sea at Curaçao, North side, Hato Cliff. PJ-AKB Lockheed 18 (C60A) 2541 42-56048 00.08.1943 rgd to KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf. 00.10.1943 the military troop carrier interior was replaced by a civil interior. Cabin chairs were from the Lockheed 12A's (see PJ-AKC, -F). 00.11.1943 taken into service. Made in 1943 274 flying hours. 10.07.1944 Dr. Elie Lescot (the president of Haiti) and his company were flown from Curaçao to Haiti (see also PJ-AKC). 00.12.1944 the military camouflage c/s was replace by a metal skin appearance. Made in 1944 1693 flying hours. 11.08.1948 wfu. 00.00.1948 Dumped into sea at Curaçao, North side, Hato Cliff. PJ-AKC Lockheed 12A 1304 L2-36 (Royal Netherlands Military Flying School, Jackson, USA) 17.10.1943 arrival Hato, Curaçao on delivery. 00.02.1944 rgd to KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf. The aircraft was in camouflage c/s, markings in white. Aircraft was owned by Dutch Government, flew by crew from the former RNMFS. 00.07.1944-00.08.1944 used for a series of flight with miss Lee Ya-Ching, "China's First Lady of the Air" and her company for the Chinese Relief Fund. 03.07.1944 Special charterflight: Port-au-Prince (Haiti)- La Guaira (Venezuela) with Dr. Elie Lescot (the president of Haiti) and his company. On his way back Lescot stayed two days at Curaçao as guest of the Governor. He flew back to Haiti with PJ-AKB. 15.09.1944 a charter from Curaçao to Nassau (Bahama Islands) was made, pilot Captain Hakkenberg. During 1944 only 74 flying hours were made. 00.00.1945 cld (not active at Curacao anymore after 00.04.1945). to AX236 (No 1316 Dutch Communication Flight), T-1 (Dutch Air Force), SE-BXP, OY-ADB, 00.09.1965 b/u. (PJ-AKD) Lockheed 12A-26 1306 L2-38 (Royal Netherlands Military Flying School, Jackson, USA) 06.12.1943 arrival Hato, Curaçao on delivery to KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf. Aircraft was owned by Dutch Government. Not used and stored, engines conserved, all cabin chairs were removed (see PJ-AKA and -AKB). 00.00.1945 shipped to UK. 00.09.1945 h/o to KLM at Hendon (UK). to BX238, T-2, SE-BXR, OY-ETA, OY-AOC, to military aviation museum at Kamp Zeist, Netherlands and displayed there. (PJ-AKE) Lockheed 12A-26 1313 L2-45 17.10.1943 arrival Hato for KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf. Aircraft was owned by Dutch Government. Not used and stored, engines conserved, all cabin chairs were removed (see PJ-AKA and -AKB). 23.02.1944 start of maintenance by KLM technical service 23.03.1944 maintenance finished, aircraft airworthy but not taken into service. to CX245, T-3 (Dutch Air Force), 18.10.1951 w/o. (PJ-AKF) Lockheed 12A-26 1314 L2-46 06.12.1943 arrival Hato for KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf. Aircraft was owned by Dutch Government. Not used and stored, engines conserved, all cabin chairs were removed (see PJ-AKA and -AKB). to DX246, T-4 (Dutch Air Force), SE-BXT, 03.05.1954 w/o. PJ-ALA Douglas C-53-DO 7392 42-15875 29.07.1945 rgd to KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf, name "Ala Blanca". 06.02.1960 cld. to HP-309 (RAPSA, rgd 13.02.1961), HP-729, HI-445, N90079, cld 31.01.05, destroyed by Hurricane Charley in 2004. PJ-ALB Douglas C-53-DO 7345 42-15550 04.09.1945 rgd KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf, name "Blauwduif". 07.03.1961 cld. to HP-327 (RAPSA, rgd 00.03.1961), TI-1067L (00.00.1967), TI-LRE (LACSA), TI-AMS (Apsa Int, rgd 00.05.1978, later SANSA). (PJ-ALB) Fokker F27 Mark 500 Friendship 10364 PH-FML (cld 04.06.1968) ntu, to PJ-FRE. PJ-ALC Douglas C-53-DO 7338 (PH-TBC), 42-15543 16.10.1945 rgd KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf, name "Chuchubi" 25.06.1962 cld. to PH-DAD (rgd 07.03.1962), 9N-Aç (00.00.1963 Royal Nepal Airlines), was in 1981 still in service, later on broken up. PJ-ALD Douglas DC-3D 42965 NC34969 17.02.1946 rgd KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf, name "Dekla". 00.00.1955 cld. to HK-523 (Rutas Aereas de Colombia), 00.00.1959 returned to KLM, overhauled and sold to Belden Corp as N137H. PJ-ALE Douglas C-47A-70-DL 19247 42-100784 29.03.1946 rgd KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf, name "Ezel". used as cargo aircraft 02.06.1960 cld, "sold in Suriname" to PZ-TAM, late 1970's derelict at Zanderij, Surinam. (PJ-ALF) Douglas DC-4-1009 42995 PH-DBE, PH-TCE, (PJ-ALF) reservation 00.07.1946, not taken up. to PH-TCE, PH-DBE, SX-DAG (00.00.1958 Olympic), HB-ILD, 9Q-CWJ, in 1987 broken up Kinshasa (Zaire, now Congo). (PJ-ALG) Douglas DC-4-1009 42996 reservation 00.07.1946, not taken up. PH-TCF (rgd 15.07.1946 to KLM), w/o Schiphol, Netherlands 16.06.1948. PJ-ALG Douglas C-47A 12953 PH-TCA, NL-208, 42-93081 29.12.1946 rgd KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf. used as cartering a/c 22.01.1948 wfu because of compass problems. 30.04.1949 cld (according to some sources cld 00.07.1948). according to KLM sold to Avianca, Colombia for DFL 39900,-. to (HK-521) (Avianca, most probably broken up for spares). PJ-ALH Douglas C-47A-1-DK 11994 FL586, 42-92218 07.11.1946 delivered to KLM. 03.12.1946 rgd KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf. 17.02.1947 departure on delivery to Antilles. used for cartering 00.12.1954 cld. to (HK-522), HK-339 (Arca/G. Sanchez), wfu Villavicenco. PJ-ALI Douglas C-47A-25-DK 13301 (PH-TEV), KG578, 42-93394 07.11.1946 delivered to KLM. 15.10.1947 rgd to KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf. 15.10.1947 departure on delivery to Antilles. used for cartering 00.12.1949 cld. According to KLM sold to United Fruit Company, Honduras for DFL 57000,-. to XH-T-001, XH-ANA (Aerovias Nacionales de Honduras), HR-ANA, 25.11.1969 w/o Tegucigalpa (Honduras). PJ-ALK Douglas C-54A Skymaster 3099 PH-TAO, NL-313, 41-37308 04.10.1946 rgd KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf. 22.12.1946 Baptized by Mrs Ramirze as the “Kralendijk”, the capital of Bonaire. Ceremony took place at Hato airport, Curaçao as the aircraft was too large to land in Bonaire. Mrs Ramirze was chosen as she was the first female passenger on a KLM flight to Bonaire. 17.01.1948 cld. to PH-TLK 21.12.1948 rgd PJ-ALK again to KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf. 27.09.1954 cld. to PH-DBK (rgd 27.09.1954), OO-SBL (00.00.1954 Sobelair), 22.04.1960 w/o Bunia (Congo). PJ-ALM Beech 65-A80 Queen Air LD-213 14.01.1965 rgd ALM - Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij. 24.05.1980 damaged on ground. 22.10.1980 cld. Reported sold in USA. Actually aircraft never left Curaçao. It was acquired by Mr. Alex Alberto and displayed alongside the road where he lived in the area of Muizenberg, Curaçao. When Mr. Alberto emigrated to live in the Netherlands he sold the aircraft to the family Metsch in Curaçao. They set up the aircraft on their premises in the area of Van Engelen, Curaçao. During presentation of the movie “Pearl Harbor” in Curaçao the remains of the aircraft were towed to the city and by means of a crane the aircraft was put in front of the theatre for the duration of the movie. After that it presumably went back to the premises of family Metsch. Still current, however in bad shape due to vandalism and the movements. (PJ-ALM) Fokker F27 Mark 500 Friendship 10365 PH-FMM (cld 14.06.1968) ntu, to PJ-FRM. PJ-ALO Douglas C-54A-10-DC Skymaster 10310 (PJ-TCO), (PH-TCO), 42-72205 19.02.1946 rgd KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf. 31.12.1947 cld. to PH-TLO (rgd 03.01.1948), VR-HEU (00.00.1949 Cathay Pacific Airlines), 23.07.1954 shot down Hainan Island (China) by Chinese aircraft. PJ-ALP Douglas C-47A-DK 11831 (PH-TCM), (PJ-ALZ), 42-92071 07.04.1947 departure to Antilles on delivery and rgd to KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf, name "Philipsburgh". 00.00.1950 Aruba. Forced landing. Pilot T. Dijkstra, mechanic D. Schermerhorn. 00.00.1954 cld. to (HP-526), HK-337 (ARCA), 18.03.1999 w/o Huirotico Hill, Colombia. PJ-ALT Douglas C-47A 9904 PH-TBP, 42-24042 12.04.1952 rgd KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf, named "Troepiaal". 25.07.1955 cld. to HK-525 (SA Medellin, Aviska, Rutas Aereas de Colombia SA), N138H (00.00.1959 Bendix Corp, 00.00.1960 Owens Illinois Glass Co, 00.00.1978 Basler Flight Service), XA-JIH, wfu and stored Merida (Mexico). PJ-ALW Douglas C-54A-1-DO Skymaster 7455 (PH-TCP), (NL350), 42-107436 19.02.1946 rgd KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf. 31.01.1948 cld. to PH-TLW (rgd 11.02.1948) 25.11.1948 rgd PJ-ALW again to KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf. 20.08.1949 cld. to (PH-ALW), PH-TLW, PH-DBW, HK-526 (00.00.1956 SAM Rutas Aereas), HK-526E, HK-526, 1982 broken up. (PJ-ALZ) Douglas C-47A-DK 11831 42-32932 00.00.1946 reserved for KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf, ntu. to (PH-TCM), PJ-ALP. PJ-AMD Piper PA-28RT-180 Cherokee Arrow 28R-30927 N7HV (00.01.1997 exported to Antilles), N7552J 01.03.1998 seen Aruba. 28/29.12.1999 Noted Hato, parked in front of Aero Club. Owned by DiscovAir NV. Later one of the owners sold his share to the other owner. 09.03.2007 Noted Hato. 19.09.2009 Seen parked Hato, maintenance area. PJ-ANI Beech V35B Bonanza D-9962 N605FC 00.11.1976 rgd Oduber Aviation Centre Inc. to P4-ANI. PJ-AOF Piper PA-23-160 Apache 23-292 YV-770P, YV-77P, YV-T-GTS 13.05.1981 rgd Tronstriad NV, Bonaire. 14.08.1982 Hato/Curaçao. Forced landing after cabin door (pilot side) opened after take off. During forced landing the landinggear was not fully out; ended up on belly. later to A.O. Felix PJ-ARI Grumman G.1159 Gulfstream IISP 8 N777GG, N400SA, HB-IMV, N400SA, N400SJ, N18N, N833GA 00.00.0000 rgd Growths Aircraft Ltd 00.00.0000 cld. to N504TF, N5UD, N225CC, N11UF, N22CX, S9-CRH, S9-GOT, ZS-TGG, N267PS, N225MS. PJ-ASM Piper PA-28-160 Cherokee 28-768 N5625W (used by Charlie Greaux from St. Barthelemy) 25.03.1968 A.P.M. Stijlen, St. Maarten 03.02.1969 Aeroclub St. Maarten 24.12.1969 cld. "Will get US registration". PJ-ASN Mooney M.20B 1855 YV-T-OTG 04.12.1964 rgd Aruba Flying Club. 24.01.1965 De Vuyst airfield, Aruba. Baptized by A.S. Nichols (ASN = A.S. Nichols). 14.10.1967 w/o De Vuyst Field, Aruba. One of the occupants (Mr. Joy Croes) did not survive the crash, the other occupant, Mr. Clem Ceclaire, died as a consequence of his injuries on 03.12.1967. PJ-ATC Aero Commander 500 773 N3845C (cld 28.06.1991) 01.07.1991 rgd Believed to be damaged by a hurricane in 1995. Other sources state that the a/c was damaged beyond repair after heavy landing. PJ-ATD Cessna 172L Skyhawk 17260263 N444DM 00.06.1991 exported to Antilles. 01.06.2000 cld. eventually became N525CL 00.02.2001. PJ-ATE Cessna 337F Skymaster 337-1390 N46DW (cld 05.12.1994), N99CN, N1790M 00.12.1994 rgd, propably based at Sint Maarten. 03.01.1997 St. Barthelemy. A flight from Juliana Airport, Sint Maarten was made to deliver a post bag. After arrival, at the platform, the pilot left both engines running while his passenger, the chief pilot of the company the aircraft operated for, left the aircraft with the bag. The bag fell on the ground, while wind blow the bag towards the front propeller. While trying to recover the bag, the passenger was hit by the propeller and killed instantly. PJ-ATL de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 265 C-FATM, N304PC, N4993X, C-GABJ, AP-AXP, N94457, (VH-TGE), N93985, (N9398S) 14.12.1999 rgd Windward Islands Airways (Winair). 00.05.2000 cld. to C-FATM PJ-ATM Cessna T207A Turbo Stationair 8 T20700448 00.00.0000 rgd. 08.11.1999 cld. to N2295W PJ-ATO Cessna (single engined) 17.11.1993 noted Antigua. PJ-ATS Beech V35 Bonanza D-8071 N9445S 00.11.1976 rgd Hamud Adnan. 00.10.1977 cld. to N81895, w/o Hailey, Idaho 130909, crashed on runway during landing and dbf, all 4 on board escaped without injuries. PJ-AUK Cessna 175C Skylark 17557075 PJ-ACR, YV-T-PTV, (N8375T) 16.06.1969 rgd G. Broersma, Curaçao. 20.07.1977 cld, export USA. PJ-AVA Cessna 172L Skyhawk 17259722 N9822G 28.05.1971 rgd Aviation Sales & Services NV, Curaçao; opf Aeroclub Antillia, Aruba. 06.08.1973 to A.T.M. Lohman, Aruba. 14.04.1977 cld. to N46696 PJ-AVB Cessna 172M Skyhawk 17261385 N20550 00.04.1973 rgd NV Aviation Sales and Service (AVIA). 00.00.1973 cld to PJ-ACZ PJ-AVC Cessna 177B Cardinal 17702081 N34907 19.04.1974 rgd Aviation Sales & Services NV, Curaçao. 11.11.1974 to Bonaire Flying Club. 00.00.0000 cld. See also PJ-MOT. PJ-AVD Cessna 182P Skylane 18263385 (N9189G) 00.09.1975 rgd 00.00.0000 cld to YV-T-STZ, YV-383P, YV2113 PJ-AVE Cessna 182P Skylane 18264249 N1231M 00.09.1975 rgd 00.00.0000 cld to to YV-658P, YV-829C, YV2244 PJ-AVY Cessna 208 Caravan I 20800126 N9695F 00.00.1987 rgd 00.00.1987 cld to N9695F, ZS-MHU PJ-AWA Lake LA-250 Renegade 00.02.2022 Rgd Dutch Caribbean Islandhopper/Steven Chinakwie. PJ-AYA Dassault Falcon 10 47 N911RF, YV-07CP, N132FJ, F-WLCY 11.03.1976 Seen as PJ-AYA Teterboro, USA. 00.10.1977 rgd Comp. Aeria del Caribe NV (according to other sources rgd 00.02.1976) 00.00.0000 cld to YV-221CP, YV-101CP, N3914L, N101GZ, N91LA, N90LA, N79PB, (N190MD), N79PB, F-GJGM, F-GJGB. PJ-BAA Cessna UC-78 Bobcat 2751 42-14067 00.00.0000 rgd 00.00.1953 cld PJ-BAB Piper J3C-65 Cub 19996 NC6782H (or N6782H ?) 00.00.0000 rgd 00.00.1952 cld to PZ-NAC, F-OGAM PJ-BAC Aeronca 7EC Champion 7EC-10 N4661E 12.04.1952 rgd Aruba Flying Club 18.09.1962 damaged De Vuijst airfield, CoA suspended 24.10.1962; new CoA 03.01.1964. 25.08.1968 Crashed North of De Vuijst airfield, Aruba during aerobatics. Aircraft came at about 2000 ft in a spin which was not recovered. Pilot E.W. Luckhoo killed. PJ-BAF Globe GC1B Swift 288 22.06.1953 rgd J.W. Sherman 23.05.1961 to P.P.Ch. van de Voort 00.00.1962 damaged St. Maarten. 22.06.1962 cld; fuselage between around 1966-1968 located along road to St. Maarten airport. PJ-BAG Stinson 108-3 Voyager 108-4691 N6691M 08.02.1954 rgd Aruba Flying Club 00.00.1956 w/o after crash 08.02.1957 CoR expired. PJ-BAH Stinson 108-4 Voyager 108-4899 N6899M 24.08.1956 rgd Aruba Flying Club. 11.02.1961 cld to YV-T-NTJ PJ-BAI Piper PA-22-150 Tri-Pacer 22-4915 N7022D 01.06.1960 rgd Aruba Flying Club. 02.12.1964 cld, "sold Silvio Guedes, Venezuela" to YV-T-OTU (rgd 00.06.1965). PJ-BAT Cessna A150M A15000560 N8190V 00.09.1974 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 03.10.1974 arr Hato, Curaçao on del. 15.12.1975 Koraal Tabak, Curaçao. Crashed during aerial photography flight over drag-race festivity. The aircraft probably stalled at low height. Both occupants (R. Vos and J. van der Hoeven) were killed. PJ-BCH Piper PA-22-150 Tri Pacer 22-4928 N7034D 18.04.1959 rgd Aruba Flying Club 04.04.1960 damaged Maracaibo, Venezuela 15.04.1965 new CoA/CoR 25.03.1966 cld, export Venezuela; to YV-T-CTO PJ-BFA Cessna 172H Skyhawk 17256461 N8261L 29.08.1967 rgd Lauwrens Wigbout, Bonaire 05.09.1968 to Bonaire Flying Club 14.11.1974 to L.A. Abraham 00.00.0000 cld. PJ-BIW Britten-Norman BN-2A-26 Islander 82 N100NE (cld 22.12.2003), C-FYZU, CF-YZU 00.12.2003 rgd Windward Islands Airways (Winair). 14.08.2009 Cld. To C-GCTZ (rgd 08.10.2009), VP-MON (00.01.2010 Monserrat Airways, 07.10.2012 w/o VC Bird Airport, Antigua) PJ-BMV Cessna 402B Businessliner 402B0865 C-GCKB (cld 03.07.2001), CC-CKB, C-GCKB, (N3998C) 00.07.2001 rgd Divi Divi Air, Curaçao. PJ-BOA Boeing 727-173C 19506 N692WA, OB-R-1135, N692WA 25.10.1977 rgd Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij (ALM), name "St Maarten". 06.02.1979 seen Miami, all white. 07.07.1979 Miami, roll out in full Aviateca c/s. 19.06.1979 cld. to TG-AYA, N938UP PJ-BRW Rockwell Commander 695 95010 N980BC (cld 18.06.1987), N8534Z, D-IEHL, (N9763S) 00.00.0000 rgd. 00.00.0000 cld. to HK-3412X, HK-3412, HK-3412W, ETE-1363, YV0154 PJ-BSH Bell 206B Jet Ranger III 2080 PJ-PLE, YV-123C, N9990K 00.00.2007 rgd Blue Skies Helicopters, Curaçao. 22.10.2007 Seen Willemstad. 00.01.2018 noted stored in Air Technology Belgium hangar at Wevelgem, Belgium. 00.00.2019 Moved to Lelystad [EHLE] by road. PJ-BVP Piper PA-38-112 Tomahawk 38-79A0452 N9657N 00.00.0000 rgd. 17.06.1984 Severely damaged during forced landing at Wacawa, close to Hato, Curaçao. A/c came to rest at belly, fuselage broke into two parts; aircraft w/o. Pilot Jonis slightly injured. PJ-CAA Cessna 150M 15078439 N9491U 00.08.1976 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. PJ-CAB Cessna A150M A15000710 (N7317A) 00.11.1976 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 00.00.0000 cld. PJ-CAC Cessna 172N Skyhawk 17269113 (N734TZ) 00.06.1977 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 28/29.12.1999 ntd Hato, parked in front of Flying Club Curaçao. 09.01.2000 ntd Aruba. 18.11.2000 idem. 15.02.2001 ntd Hato. PJ-CAD Cessna 172N Skyhawk 17270969 N1362E 00.00.1978 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 12.12.1994 Hato. Taken without permission from the Aero Club Curaçao by a student pilot and used on a joyflight with 3 others, after a visit to a nightclub. The occupants were aged between 23 and 15 years. At around 03:45 hrs AM the aircraft was granted permission from Air Traffic Control to take off, and after a touch-and-go a flight over the island was made. The aircraft was reported to have been flying very low and irresponsible. Around 05:50 hrs AM the pilot asked permission to land, after which the aircraft went missing. At around 09:45 hrs the wreck was found at Watamula (Western tip of the island), where it apparently was crashed into the rocks. Several parts fell from the cliff into sea. All four occupants were killed. PJ-CAE Cessna A152 00.07.1990 ntd as such Hato, Curaçao. PJ-CAF Cessna 152 15282842 N89722 early 1990-ies rgd to member of Aero Club Curaçao. 12.06.1999 seen Curaçao. 28-29.12.1999 noted in a hangar at Hato. 09.03.2007 Seen Willemstad/Curaçao, tail section removed, flaps and ailerons removed, parked outside. PJ-CAG Cessna 172N Skyhawk 17271995 N6143E (09.06.1995 cld on export to Antilles) 00.06.1995 rgd Aeroclub Curaçao. 00.07.2010 In service again after almost being 18 months grounded for inspections, repairs and paperworks. 00.00.2011 Grounded, heavy maintenance for engine change and re-certification. PJ-CAH Cessna 182Q 18266276 N759UT (cld 00.07.2001) 10.12.2002 Seen Hato, Curaçao. 18.04.2004 Idem. 09.03.2007 Idem. 00.07.2010 cld. to N25UE (rgd 07.07.2010, based Hato/Curaçao, during 2011 in use at Falki Aviation Curaçao, 00.11.2011 to Florida(US) for maintenance and sale), PJ-MAM PJ-CAP Cessna 172H Skyhawk 17256509 PJ-ACT, N8309L 00.07.1974 rgd C. Lenderinck. 00.00.0000 to W. der Hart. 00.00.0000 to Mr. Lampe. 12.06.1999 seen Curaçao/Hato. 28/29.12.1999 ntd Hato, parked in front of Flying Club Curaçao, without wings. 22.08.2000 Seen Kendall-Tamiami, dumped next to hangar. PJ-CAT Piper PA-31-350 Chieftain Navajo 00.00.0000 rgd CATS Aviation. 30.11.1997 While returning from Puerto Rico to Curacao after a charter flight, the aircraft had problems with fuel reaching the engines and was ditched approx. 30 miles north of Curacao. Pilots were Marco Chong and Marcel Huisman (Both commercial pilots in service of ALM). They were rescued by a tanker after drifting on the seas for 27 hours and dropped of in Santa Martha Colombia. After finalizing paper formalities they returned to Curacao on December 3, 1997. PJ-CEB Rockwell Commander 690A 11292 HB-GEH (cld 17.03.1989), 4X-AYJ, BK-101, HB-GEH 00.00.1989 rgd CEB Investment BV. 00.00.1997 current. PJ-CIW Britten-Norman BN-2B-26 Islander 876 C-GZTP, V3-HRT, N610PA, N425NE, G-BFNT 00.01.2005 rgd Windward Islands Airways (Winair). 00.06.2009 cld, to C-FZXG. PJ-CLA Curtiss C-46D-20-CU Commando 22367 HI-14, XH-TND, N13500, 44-78544 13.12.1962 rgd Caraibische Lucht Transport Maatschappij (CLTM). However since 00.10.1961 leased to Pan African Airways as 5N-AFA, later to Aerovias Panama Airways as HP-366 and operating in Congo on behalf of the United Nations until probably 1964. 21.05.1964 ntd as PJ-CLA at Miami International, but late 11.1964 still not in use with CLTM. 16.06.1965 cld, sold to Bellomy Lawson Aviation Inc, Miami. To B-1535 (China Airlines for Air America (CIA), 28.04.1966 w/o Kon Tun airfield, Vietnam and derelict). PJ-CLB Douglas C-54B-15-DO Skymaster 18394 HP-350, N90421, 43-17194 02.01.1963 rgd Caraibische Lucht Transport Maatschappij (CLTM). 20.07.1967 cld. to N1445 PJ-CLC Curtiss C-46F-1-CU Commando 22561 N1649M, 44-78738 20.08.1965 rgd Caraibische Lucht Transport Maatschappij (CLTM). 19.05.1967 cld. to N1447 (M.C. Berry), XW-PMF (05.1967), HS-SKD (11.1978, 2006 still present in Conburi, Thailand as eye-catcher at a bar) PJ-CLD Curtiss C-46A-45-CU Commando 30300 Smith Super 46C conversion since 11.1959. N4085A, PP-VCL, HK-607, PP-VDI, EP-ACW, SU-AFP, 42-96638 07.11.1968 rgd Caraibische Lucht Transport Maatschappij (CLTM). 13.04.1976 cld, sold to Bellomy and Lawson Aviation Inc, Miami. to (N65306), HK-1857 (rgd 00.07.1976, b/u 1984) PJ-CLE Curtiss C-46A-60CK Commando 369 N1295B, N295BC, N4631S, CF-IQQ, N2053A, N8355C, XT-***, 43-47298 08.10.1969 rgd Caraibische Lucht Transport Maatschappij (CLTM). 13.04.1976 cld, sold to Bellomy and Lawson Aviation Inc, Miami. to N65307, HK1856 (rgd 00.07.1976, w/o 30.01.1974 Puerto Inirida, Colombia). PJ-CLF Douglas DC-6 43107 N90883, XA-JIF, N90883 12.03.1970 rgd Caraibische Lucht Transport Maatschappij (CLTM). 07.04.1972 cld, sold to Bellomy and Lawson Aviation Inc, Miami. to N11225, 5N-APK, N11225, N710AC, 1980ies broken up Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA PJ-CLG Douglas DC-6A 44259 N6259C, YA-DAN, N6259C 30.03.1972 rgd Caraibische Lucht Transport Maatschappij (CLTM). 07.01.1975 cld. to PZ-CLG 00.00.1975 rgd Caraibische Lucht Transport Maatschappij (CLTM). 00.02.1977 cld. to N6259C, TI-AOQ, 1979 stored Miami, Florida, USA and presumably broken up. PJ-CRM Cessna 172G 17254403 N4334L 23.04.1966 rgd Aruba Flying Club. 21.04.1966 Arr De Vuyst, Aruba, on del. 01.05.1966 Baptised at De Vuyst. 09.05.1968 Reina Beatrix Airport. During taxiing after arrival from Hato, Curaçao, the aircraft was blown over by the propwind of ALM Convair PJ-CVA. The aircraft overturned and came to rest on its back. Pilot Jan Staat not injured; aircraft written off. Note: CRM- Charles R. Miani, former president of Aruba Flying Club. PJ-CVA Convair 340-48 119 23.08.1953 rgd KLM NV, named "Aruba". 07.10.1957 CoA application as PH-CGL by KLM but ntu. 21.06.1963 cld. to N73155 PJ-CVA Convair 440-48 120 PH-CGG (cld 00.07.1963), PH-TGG 22.06.1963 rgd KLM NV. 01.08.1964 rgd ALM- Antilliaans Luchtvaart Maatschappij, name "Aruba". 23.12.1969 Kusters Trading Co, Curaçao. 06.01.1970 cld, sold to Bellomy and Lawson Aviation Inc, Miami, FL, USA to N12170 (00.03.1970 Bellomy Lawson), TG-AJA, N3778C, XA-LOU, CP-2142, 22.05.1995 crashed near San Boija after engine failure. PJ-CVB Convair 340-48 135 27.08.1953 rgd KLM NV. 00.00.1954 cld. to PH-CGK (rgd 31.08.1954 as Convair 440), CF-ECS (00.00.1960 Lund Aviation, type changed to CV580), N7600, N5812, N582PL, N536SA, OO-DHD, EC-GKH, ZS-SKK. PJ-CVB Convair 440-48 184 PH-CGB (cld 06.05.1963) 06.05.1963 rgd KLM NV. 31.08.1964 to ALM- Antilliaans Luchtvaart Maatschappij, name "Bonaire". 19.12.1968 cld. to HP-485 (00.01.1969 Cia Panamena de Aviacion), N423AJ (00.00.1974 American Jet Industries), 00.07.1975 broken up Miami (US). PJ-CVC Convair 340-48 133 27.08.1953 rgd KLM NV. 13.01.1958 cld. to PH-CGM (rgd 09.01.1958), N5515K (00.04.1966 Hawaiian Airlines, late 1965 changed in CV640, 00.05.1972 leased to Zantop), since mid 1994 wfu Detroit (US). In 1999 still present here. PJ-CVC Convair 440-48 144 PH-CGC (cld 23.04.1963), PJ-CVS 23.04.1963 rgd KLM NV, name "Corsow". 01.08.1964 to ALM- Antilliaans Luchtvaart Maatschappij, name "Curaçao" (port side)/“Corsow” (starboard side). 23.12.1969 Kusters Trading Co, Curaçao. 06.01.1970 cld, sold to Bellomy and Lawson Aviation Inc, Miami, FL, USA to N12171, YV-C-AVT, YV-58C, YV-223C, later wfu Barcelona (Venezuela). Note: “Corsow” is “Curaçao” in Papiamentoe, the native language. Possibly the dual name “Curaçao”/“Corsow” as during ALM service was already present during KLM service. PJ-CVE Convair 340-48 134 00.12.1953 rgd KLM NV, name "St. Eustatius". 23.11.1957 cld. to PH-CGN (rgd 09.11.1957), N5512K (Hawaiian Airlines), in 1999 ntd stored Detroit (US). PJ-CVM Convair 340-48 143 27.08.1953 rgd KLM NV. 07.10.1957 CoR application as PH-CGO for KLM NV, Den Haag but ntu, remained PJ-CVM. 25.03.1963 cld. to YV-C-AVD, HR-SAT, TI-ACA, TG-ACA, 27.04.1977 w/o Guatamala City (Guatamala). PJ-CVS Convair 340-48 144 27.08.1953 rgd KLM NV. 00.00.1954 cld. to PH-CGC (rgd 28.08.1954), PJ-CVC. PJ-DAA Fokker F28 Mk0100 11330 D-AGPI, PH-CXI, N866US, PH-EZJ 00.02.2007 rgd Dutch Antilles Express (DAE), Curaçao. 02.02.2007 Berlin/Tegel (Germany)- Faro (Portugal)- Sal (Cape Verde), on delivery, still in DBA c/s. 27.08.2013 Dutch Antilles Express ceased operations; company declared bankrupt 31.08.2013. Stored Hato. 11.09.2013 frd Hato- Aeropuerto Internacional Benito Juarez/Mexico City (Mexico) and offered for sale by Aerocentury Corporation (California, USA). 15.02.2015 Testflight Benito Juarez/Mexico City- Acapulco - Benito Juarez/Mexico City, basic DAE c/s. 01.04.2016 dep Mexico City along with PJ-DAB via Nassau (Bahamas), Goose Bay (Canada)- Keflavik (Iceland)- Malmo (Sweden) and arr Varna (Bulgaria) 04.04.2016 on del. 00.04.2016 cld to LZ-FDB PJ-DAB Fokker F28 Mk0100 11331 D-AGPM, PH-CXM, N880US, PH-EZT 00.01.2007 rgd Dutch Antilles Express (DAE), Curaçao. 27.01.2007 Frd Berlin/Tegel (Germany)- Keflavik (Iceland) on del, DBA c/s. 27.08.2013 Dutch Antilles Express ceased operations; company declared bankrupt 31.08.2013. Stored Hato. 15.09.2013 arr Mexico City for storage. 01.04.2016 dep Mexco City along with PJ-DAA via Nassau (Bahamas) and diverted to Hato, Curaçao due to technical issues. Was on delivery to Varna (Bulgaria). 05.04.2016 Seen inside Insel Air hangar at Hato, white c/s, “John de Bell” on r/h nose section only. 18.04.2016 Testflight at Hato. 09.05.2016 Seen parked Hato, waiting continuation of ferry flight to Varna. Destined for ALK Airlines. Late 0616 departed from Hato to Mexico. 23.06.2016 Dep Mexico City/Toluca as PJ-DAB and ferried via Nassau, Goose Bay, Keflavik (nightstop), Aalborg and arrived at Varna 25.06.2016 on delivery to ALK airlines. To LZ-EFA PJ-DAC Fokker F28 Mk0100 11337 PH-CXP (cld 09.05.2012), D-AGPP, XA-SHL, (PH-EZO), PH-CXP, N883US, PH-EZO 00.05.2012 rgd Dutch Antilles Express (DAE), Curaçao. 02.05.2012 Departed Maastricht/Aachen (Netherlands), all white, as PH-CXP on delivery. 08.06.2012 Seen Aruba/Reina Beatrix all white, as PJ-DAC. 27.08.2013 Dutch Antilles Express ceased operations; company declared bankrupt 31.08.2013. Stored Hato. 00.00.2013 frd to Mexico City for storage on return to owner AeroCentury Corp. 08.05.2016-11.05.2016 frd Mexico City- Varna (Bulgaria) on delivery to ALK airlines. 00.06.2016 cld to LZ-FDK (rgd 06.2016), frd to Iran 26.06.2016 for part-out. PJ-DAH Aerospatiale-Aeritalia ATR.42-320 090 N190NA (cld 02.03.2012), PJ-SLH, F-WQNN, PH-XLE, F-WQBR, N18809, F-WWEP 00.03.2012 rgd Dutch Antilles Express (DAE), Curaçao. 27.08.2013 Dutch Antilles Express ceased operations; company declared bankrupt 31.08.2013. Stored Hato. PJ-DAJ Aerospatiale-Aeritalia ATR.42-300 080 (SP-KTG), F-GVZO, OY-PCG, EC-KGS, F-GVZY, F-WVZY, SP-EEC, F-WQID, D-BCCC, F-WWEF 00.12.2012 rgd Dutch Antilles Express (DAE), Curaçao. 08.12.2012 Seen parked Hato, Curaçao, all white, as PJ-DAJ. 27.08.2013 Dutch Antilles Express ceased operations; company declared bankrupt 31.08.2013. Stored Hato. 00.11.2013 cld to OY-CHT, 08.2016 cld as wfu and parted out PJ-DAK Aerospatiale-Aeritalia ATR.72-212 407 N407AT, F-WWEL 06.07.2012 Miami International- Myrtle Beach(US)- Trois Riviere(C) on return to lessor, as N407AT. 00.01.2013 Seen in hangar Trois Riviere as N407AT, full Dutch Antilles Express c/s, being prepared for delivery. 26.02.2013 frd Trois Riviere- Myrtle Beach 09.03.2013 Myrtle Beach -Curaçao/Hato on delivery as N407AR, DAE c/s. 00.04.2013 rgd to Dutch Antilles Express. 27.08.2013 Dutch Antilles Express ceased operations; company declared bankrupt 31.08.2013. Stored Hato. PJ-DCA Cessna 206H Dutch Caribbean Flight Academy 06.02.2021 ntd Hato, Curaçao inside small hangar at aero club. (PJ-DCK) McDonnell Douglas DC-9-31 48144 N924VJ for Dutch Caribbean Express (DAE), owner Jetran International Ltd. rgd as PJ-SNK. PJ-DCQ Cessna 172R Skyhawk Dutch Caribbean Flight Academy 06.02.2021 ntd Hato, Curaçao inside small hangar at aero club. PJ-DDA Short SD.330-200 SH.3017 G-BFMB, G-14-3017 01.09.1978 rgd Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM, name "Klein Curaçao" (according to other source: rgd 00.06.1978). 19.03.1980 cld to N335MV PJ-DDB Short SD.330-200 SH.3018 G-BFMD 01.09.1978 rgd Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM, name "Klein Bonaire". 19.03.1980 cld to N336MV PJ-DFN Douglas DC-6B 43555 HK-534 (Rutan Aereas SAM), PH-DFN (cld 17.05.1960), PH-TFN 08.11.1961 rgd KLM NV. 25.06.1962 cld, "is in Netherlands for sale" to PH-DFN (rgd 03.08.1962), CF-PCI (1963), N9890 (1966), C-FKCJ (1974), N9890, XB-BQO. PJ-DHA de Havilland Canada DHC-8-311A 301 C-GFBW 00.06.1992 rgd Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM. 01.09.2001 operational name of ALM changed to DCE- Dutch Caribbean Express. 00.10.2001 cld to N341CT (Magellan Aircraft Services Corp., cld 31.12.2003 as "destroyed"). PJ-DHB de Havilland Canada DHC-8-311A 303 C-GESR 00.06.1992 rgd Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM. 01.09.2001 operational name of ALM changed to DCE- Dutch Caribbean Express. 00.10.2001 cld to N343CT (26.04.2004 cld as "destroyed"). PJ-DHC de Havilland Canada DHC-8-301 169 00.10.1990 rgd Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM. 00.06.1992 cld to N169CL PJ-DHD de Havilland Canada DHC-8-301 184 C-FGVL 00.11.1990 rgd Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM. 00.06.1992 cld. to N184CL, HK-3951X (çRES Colombia), HK-3951, N184AV, C-GRGF, TT-DAV, C-FWLK PJ-DHE de Havilland Canada DHC-8-311 242 C-FZPS, VT-NKB, VT-ETQ, PT-OKF, N680MA, C-GESR 00.03.1997 rgd to Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM. 01.09.2001 The operational name of ALM changed to DCE- Dutch Caribbean Express owner Airplanes Group, manager GECAS. 12.04.2004 Seen Hato, all white, stored. 00.07.2004 cld to C-FBNA (rgd 14.07.2004 Avmax Group, ntd Calgary 26.11.2004 still as PJ-DHE), V2-LGH, 10.06.2012 lost during hangar fire at Antigua-VC Bird airport. PJ-DHI de Havilland Canada DHC-8-311 230 C-FZVU, VT-AKB, VT-ETP, PT-OKE, N679MA, C-GLOT 00.12.1996 rgd to Antilliaans Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM. 00.08.2001 As first ALM a/c painted in new DCE c/s. 01.09.2001 The operational name of ALM changed to DCE- Dutch Caribbean Express 30.09.2001 Seen Curacao, DCE c/s. owner Airplanes Group, manager GECAS. 12.03.2004 Seen stored Hato, basic DCE c/s, no engines, as "PJ-D". 00.01.2007 Seen as PJ-DHL. 00.00.0000 cld. to PJ-DHL PJ-DHL de Havilland Canada DHC-8-311 230 PJ-DHI, C-FZVU, VT-AKB, VT-ETP, PT-OKE, N679MA, C-GLOT 18.01.2007 Seen Willemstad/Curacao, all white, blue engine cowlings. 06.08.2008 Seen Antigua, in service, still all white, blue engine cowlings. 00.08.2009 cld. to V2-LGN, C-GVPA PJ-DIV Cessna (single engine) 00.00.0000 rgd Divi Air. 04.03.2004 Seen Hato/Curaçao. PJ-DNA Douglas DC-9-15 45722 PH-DNE (cld 25.10.1968) 25.10.1968 rgd Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM. 27.10.1968 Christened "Aruba" at Princess Beatrix Airport Aruba bij Pamela Croes. 25.03.1974 cld, sold McDonnell Douglas Corporation, Long Beach, CA, USA 27.03.1974 rgd Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM (holder), name "Aruba" owner McDonnell Douglas Corporation, Long Beach, CA, USA. 03.03.1975 cld. to N19B, N54648, XA-GOK, N2896W, HK-2865X PJ-DNB Douglas DC-9-15 45723 PH-DNF (cld 14.11.1968) 13.11.1968 rgd Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM, name "Bonaire". 25.03.1974 cld, sold McDonnell Douglas Corporation, Long Beach, CA, USA 27.03.1974 rgd Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM (holder), name "Bonaire", owner McDonnell Douglas Corporation, Long Beach, CA, USA. 30.05.1975 cld. to N48075, YV-65C, N48075, 1995 broken up Sherman (US). PJ-DNC Douglas DC-9-15 45721 PH-DND (cld 28.10.1970) 27.10.1970 rgd Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM, name "Curaçao". 25.03.1974 cld, sold McDonnell Douglas Corporation, Long Beach, CA, USA 27.03.1974 rgd Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM (holder), name "Curaçao", owner McDonnell Douglas Corporation, Long Beach, CA, USA. 30.06.1975 cld. to N48200, XA-GOJ, N908DC, HK-2864X, 26.03.1992 w/o Tumaco (Colombia). PJ-DNM Robinson R44 1236 N944PD (cld 22.04.2004, export to Netherlands). 00.04.2003 rgd N644PD Helicopter Company, used by the local Police. PJ-DOM Cessna 510 Citation Mustang 510-0316 N9023F (cld 01.12.2010) 00.12.2010 rgd Jet Budget. 00.07.2022 cld, to N361ML PJ-DPB Douglas DC-6 43117 PH-DPB (cld 21.07.1958), PH-TPB, (PH-TDO) 16.07.1958 rgd KLM NV. 01.06.1964 cld. to PH-DPB (rgd 26.08.1963), OY-AOJ (00.06.1964), N12877, (PH-NAA), N12877 (1966), HK-756 (1966), 10.07.1977 hit on ground by crashing L-188 Electra HK-1976 at Bogota/El Dorado (Columbia) and w/o. PJ-DPI Douglas DC-6 43111 PH-DPI (cld 10.11.1958), PH-TPI, PH-TDI 03.11.1958 rgd KLM NV. 02.09.1963 cld, "registered in the Netherlands per 30.07.1963". Was also registered PH-DPE 18.08.1959- 16.12.1959 without PJ-DPI being cancelled. Sale to Linn Aeronautica SA, Panama on 21.01.1964 was not completed, to HK-754X (Aerocondor), 00.07.1970 wfu Barranquilla (Colombia). PJ-DPM Douglas DC-6 43115 PH-DPM (cld 18.10.1957), PH-TPM, PH-TPM, (PH-TDM) 09.10.1957 rgd KLM NV. 28.01.1963 cld. type changed to DC-6A to HK-752X; HK-752 (27.01.1963 Aerocondor, 1972 Aerocosta), 1972 broken up Barranquilla (Colombia). PJ-DPP Douglas DC-6 43188 PH-DPP (cld 06.11.1957), PH-TPP, (PH-TDP) 02.11.1957 rgd KLM NV. 00.03.1960 cld. to PH-DPR (cld 22.09.60). 02.11.1960 rgd PJ-DPP again to KLM NV. 19.06.1963 cld. to PH-DPP (rgd 19.06.1963), EC-AVA (20.06.1963 TASSA "Princess Lyme", 1966 Baja de Servico), 1975 in service as bar/nightclub in Magaluft, later used as nightclub in Mallorca (Spain). PJ-DPT Douglas DC-6 43116 PH-DPT (cld 14.11.1957), PH-TPT, (PH-TDN) 25.10.1957 rgd KLM NV. 27.06.1963 cld. PH-DPT (rgd 27.06.1963), (OY-AOH) (Nordair), PH-DPT, 377 (navy Peru), OB-R-963, 377, in 1977 wfu. PJ-DPW Douglas DC-6 42900 PH-DPW (cld 15.12.1958), VH-TBA, PH-TPW 03.12.1958 rgd KLM NV. 01.11.1964 cld. to PH-DPW (rgd 27.08.1963-11.08.1964; actual operations in KLM service in this period is confirmed), HC-AIT (15.09.1965 Ecuatoriana), N8703A, 1970 broken up Miami (US). PJ-DSA Douglas DC-6B 44056 N90771 (Southern Air Transport) 02.08.1972 rgd Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM, named "Saba". 23.11.1973 cld. to HK-1276 PJ-DVA Dornier 228-202 8100 ZK-VIR, C-FEQZ, P2-MBO, N275MC, N228DA, D-COHC 19.02.2009 Arrived Willemstad/Curaçao, Divi Divi Air titles, Air West Coast c/s, as ZK-VIR. 23.04.2009 ZK-VIR cld, "to Netherlands". 00.05.2009 rgd Divi Divi Air (seen as such 24.05.2009) 00.02.2012 cld. to C-GTBN, C-GAKI PJ-DVC Piper PA-32R-300 Lance 32R-7680319 N10WW (04.08.2015 cld, export Curacao), N6108J, N9587N 00.00.2015 rgd Divi Divi Air, Curaçao. 00.12.2015 Seen Hato/Willemstad, Curaçao with Divi Divi Air logo on tail. Identity has to be confirmed. PJ-DVD de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 296 14-16.10.2017 Calgary- Great Falls (US)- Roundup (US)- Concordia (US)- Pine Mountain (US)- Fort Lauderdale (US)- Providenciales – La Romana (Dominicana)- Curaçao on del. C-GLAI, N5377G, HZ-PL5, LN-BEP 19.11.2017 rgd Divi Divi Air, Curaçao. PJ-DVE de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 369 C-FGON, CF-GON 00.12.2017 rgd Divi Divi Air, Curaçao. PJ-DVF de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 601 C-FZDS (cld 13.12.2018), XA-FIL, N471SC, PZ-TBW, N28SP 00.12.2018 rgd Divi Divi Air, Curaçao. 22.12.2018 Arr Hato/Willemstad, Curaçao on del. PJ-DVG de Havilland Canada DHC-6-310 Twin Otter 347 C-FZSQ, XA-UTK, N899AS, LN-FKN, G-BKBC, (C-GNYY), VP-FAQ 00.03.2020 ntd Calgary in Divi Divi Air c/s in preparation for delivery. 00.06.2021 rgd Divi Divi Air, Curaçao. PJ-EGW Mooney M.18L Mite 69 N108C 26.02.1959 rgd Mrs E.W.G. Waddell, based De Vuijst, Aruba. 00.08.1962 Barnet J. Ellis, Aruba. 15.08.1964 cld YV-T-DTU Note: was already from 1951 based at De Vuijst Airfield at Aruba, registered as N108C. Purchased in 1951 by Aruba Flying Club secretary Harold C. Miller. November 1952 sold to Joe Hayduk. After a short time, after being damaged in a belly landing, sold to Douglas McCormick and later on (probably before 1954) to Ralph Richter, Boyd Bastian, Gordon Cole and Dick Mullen. Between may 1957 and march 1959 there is no recorded activity of the a/c. PJ-ELA Cessna 402B Businessliner 402B1066 00.00.0000 rgd E-Liner Airways. 27.11.1997 ntd Aruba. 00.03.1999 cld. to N768WC. PJ-ELG Piper PA-23-250 Aztec C 27-3594 00.00.0000 rgd E.L. Gomez. 00.07.1982 current. also reported as PJ-GRL PJ-EMB Aero Commander 100 179 28.11.1967 rgd Exploitatie Maatschappij Bonaire NV 04.01.1968 cld, to PJ-HCA. PJ-EUX Beech 200 King Air BB-141 N977GT, N977LX 00.03.2022 rgd SXM Airways, Sint Maarten. PJ-EZA Beech 1900D Airliner UE-207 C-GAAR, N19625 00.11.2018 rgd EZ Air, Bonaire. 08.11.2018 Arr Kralendijk, Bonaire on del. 00.02.2022 cld, to C-FIEZ. PJ-EZR Britten-Norman BN-2A-26 Islander 592 N62183, N9SJ, HI-567CA, N902GD, XA-IOH, TI-ALU, HP-765, G-BENV 00.00.2008 rgd EZ Air. 13.03.2008 Seen as such Curaçao/Willemstad-Hato. PJ-EZY Beech 1900D Airliner UE-209 C-GAAS, N10659 00.11.2018 rgd EZ Air, Bonaire 01-02.12.2018 Ferried Providenciales (Turks and Caicos)- Kralendijk, Bonaire on del. 00.02.2022 cld, to C-FUEZ. PJ-EZZ Piper PA-31-350 Navajo Chieftain 31-7405444 N103ZZ (150307 cld, export Netherlands), Z-ICO, N103ZZ, N61400, (N2LK), N61400 00.00.2007 rgd EZ Air. 10.05.2008 Seen as such at Curaçao/Willemstad-Hato. 19.09.2009 Seen parked Curaçao/Willemstad-Hato. PJ-FHA Fairchild FH.227B 559 OO-DTC, N4233 00.05.1988 sold to ALM. 03.06.1988 rgd Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM. 00.00.1992 ntd Hato, wfu and for sale. 00.07.1995 ntd Hato, bad condition, no engines, many parts removed. 00.09.1997 Idem. 29.12.1999 ntd Hato, dumped at north east side of field, in high grass. 24.02.2007 Fuselage dumped into sea near Westpunt, Curaçao as diving object. PJ-FHB Fairchild FH.227B 555 OO-DTD, N4232 00.05.1988 sold to Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM. 09.06.1988 delivered via Stornoway. 00.00.1992 ntd Hato, wfu and for sale. 00.07.1995 ntd Hato, bad condition, no engines, many parts removed. 00.09.1997 Idem. 29.12.1999 ntd Hato, dumped at north east side of field, in high grass. During 2005/2006 used for fire practice and burned. PJ-FKC Fokker F28 Mk0070 11583 PH-KZH 00.09.2014 rgd Insel Air Aruba 24.09.2014 dep Norwich (UK), all white, on del. 00.10.2014 cld To P4-FKC PJ-FOR Cessna A152 A1520882 YV-378P, (N4726A) 28.07.1983 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. PJ-FRE Fokker F27 Mark 500 Friendship 10364 (PJ-ALB), PH-FML (cld 04.06.1968) 30.05.1968 rgd Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM, name "St. Eustatius". 24.01.1970 During execution of ALM Flight LM402 from Santo Domingo to Curaçao a man accompanied by two women and an infant hijacked the aircraft and demanded to be flown to Havana, Cuba. The pilot landed in Haiti but could not refuel there. He continued to Cuba and landed at Santiago (Antonio Maceo Airport). Aircraft had a crew of 4 and 31 passengers on board. The captain of the aircraft was David Taber with second officer Edze Euwema. Cabin crew members were Flight attendant Mariejel Dijk and Rosemarie Marchena. Many years later Mr. Euwema would be involved in another ALM hijack, this time while in command of a MD-80 of ALM. Almost immediately the PJ-FRE with crew and passengers was allowed to depart Cuba and fly to Curaçao. 22.07.1970 Willemstad/Hato (Curaçao). Broke trough parking brake during testruns, overrun blocks and came to rest into generator-van after a roll of about 8 meters, and before the technician in the cockpit could stop the aircraft. Right nacelle, propeller and engine destroyed. Damage on fuselage due to debris. 18.09.1970 First operational flight after repairs. 19.09.1970 Departure from Sint Eustatius was delayed due to problems with a compressor of the l/h engine. A repair party from Curaçao was sent over for repairs. 01.11.1970 cld to 9M-APP, 9V-BFK, ZK-NAO PJ-FRM Fokker F27 Mark 500 Friendship 10365 (PJ-ALM), PH-FMM (cld 14.06.1968) 30.05.1968 rgd Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM, name "St. Maarten". 12.05.1970 Hi-jacket en route Santo Domingo(Dominican Republic)- Curaçao and cockpit crew forced to divert to Santiago de Cuba. Flight crew K. Mosk and F. van Schuppen, 29 passengers, including 8 hi-jackers from Dominican Republic. After arrival at Cuba, crew and passengers were released and allowed to stay in a hotel, the aircraft was however not released until May 19. Passenger were flown back to Curaçao at May 16, 1970. 24.08.1970 cld to 9V-BCN, ZK-NAN PJ-FUN Cessna 172P Skyhawk 17274309 N51409 00.00.0000 In use at Falki Aviation Curaçao, owner Divi Divi Air, as N51409. 00.00.2011 Hangared Hato/Curaçao for repairs alternator problems. 19.05.2011 N51409 cld as export to Antilles. 00.06.2011 rgd Falki Aviation Curaçao. In 2012 used by Flying Over Curaçao. PJ-GAA Aeronca L-3B A-1, 43-26754 00.01.1949 rgd Aruba Flying Club. 00.00.1949 cld. PJ-GAB Aeronca L-3B A-2, 43-26755 00.01.1949 rgd Aruba Flying Club. around 1950 cld. PJ-GAC Fairchild PT-26 Cornell A-3 00.01.1949 rgd to Aruba Flying Club. 00.12.1951 sold Aero Club Curacao (ACC). 20.08.1956 ordered the ACC parts for a Cornell. In 00.10.1957 the aircraft was not used anymore. From the minutes of the ACC 'year meeting' of 29.01.1958: 'The Fairchild should be regarded as written off. It was moved out of the big hangar.' 00.00.1958 cld. PJ-GAD Piper J3C-65 Cub 10053 P-2, 43-1192, (42-60002) 14.10.1948 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. around 00.07.1959 wfu. 25.10.1963 cld, CoR and CoA expired. fuselage used for PJ-ACP. PJ-GAE Fairchild PT-26 Cornell P-3 00.01.1949 rgd to Aruba Flying Club. 10.09.1950 crashed Kwartje (between Santa Rosa and Santa Katharina, Curaçao). Stalled during practicing emergency landings and crashed. Both occupants uninjured. 00.00.1951 cld. PJ-GAF Fairchild PT-26 Cornell 00.08.1947 already present with Aero Club Curaçao, most probably activated after the move of the former A-3 (PJ-GAC) en P-3 (PJ-GAE) to the PJ-register. 00.01.1949 rgd Aero Club Curaçao 00.01.1951 crashed during landing Hato. 00.00.0000 cld. PJ-GDM Mooney M.20E Super 21 650 YV-T-PTM 22.08.1973 rgd G.D. Milstein, Curaçao. 07.05.1975 cld. to N48176 PJ-GEM Beech B24R Sierra 200 MC-385 00.09.1975 rgd G. Arrindell. 00.00.0000 cld. to N603FC PJ-GRL Piper PA-23-250 Aztec C 27-3594 N6333Y 14.07.1981 rgd Lirwin Equipment NV, Bonaire. Also reported as PJ-ELG. PJ-HAR Cessna R172K Hawk XP R1723377 22.08.1991 noted North Perry Airport, US. 21.03.1992 noted Opa Locka, US. 13.08.1993 cld. 01.09.1993 noted Hollywood (US), still as PJ-HAR. to N758UT. PJ-HCA Aero Commander 100 179 PJ-EMB 22.01.1968 rgd R.M. Neuman, Curaçao. 21.04.1970 to W.P. ter Hart. 31.01.1972 to J.A. van 't Hoog. 13.06.1979 cld, "change of ownership not reported within 3 months". 00.00.1987 Wreck derelict at Hato. PJ-HKA Cessna 180 18032112 N3314D 24.12.1971 rgd W.P. ter Hart, Curaçao. 01.07.1975 cld. to N67178. PJ-HMK Cessna 172M Skyhawk 17263213 (N4471R) 00.04.1974 rgd A. Zijderveld, Aruba. 00.00.0000 cld. (PJ-HUN) Kamov 26 7303502 HA-MCJ, CCCP-19336 In 2005 found displayed at a petrol-station in Hungary, painted as PJ-HOV. PJ-IDA Beech 95-B55 Baron TC-1624 16.11.1973 rgd H. Oduber. 00.00.0000 to National Business Equipment Co. 00.00.1979 cld. to N603FC. PJ-IKA Piper PA-31-350 Navajo Chieftain 31-8252028 N350PB (30.05.2019 cld, export Netherlands Antilles), SE-KYK, OY-ELK, N803DM, N4105K 00.05.2019 rgd 09.09.2019 ntd as such Bonaire PJ-JAB Fokker F28 Mk0070 11585 2-JACC, PK-TNR, VN-A504, PH-EZM 27-29.06.2019 Eindhoven- Prestwick- Keflavik- Halifax- Nassau- Hato, Curaçao on delivery, as 2-JACC. 06.12.2019 rgd JetAir Caribbean 15.09.2023 tesflight after storage and returned to service. 18.06.2024 JetAir Caribbean was declared bankrupt; aircraft parked Hato. PJ-JAC Fokker F28 Mk0070 11582 PH-KZD, P2-ANB, PH-KZD, (PK-JGN) 05.07.2019 rgd JetAir Caribbean. 24.11.2019 first service: StLucia- Curacao/Hato- Kingston. 27.08.2023 last service Sint Maarten- Curacao/Hato and stored. 18.06.2024 JetAir Caribbean was declared bankrupt; aircraft parked Hato. PJ-JCH Fokker F28 Mk0070 11528 PH-JCH, OE-LFS, PH-JCH, N528YV, PH-EZS 00.07.2014 rgd Insel Air 12.07.2014 Arr Hato, Curaçao on delivery, all white. Ferried from Norwich (UK) via Iceland, Halifax and Bahamas. 08.08.2014 Seen Hato, full Insel Air Aruba c/s, as P4-FKA. 00.08.2014 cld to P4-FKA PJ-JCT Fokker F28 Mk0070 11537 PH-JCT, OE-LFT, PH-JCT, N537YV, PH-EZV 00.08.2014 rgd Insel Air 25/26.08.2014 frd Norwich (GB)- Willemstad/Hato 00.08.2014 cld To P4-FKB PJ-KLU Cessna 172M Skyhawk 17261385 PJ-ACZ, PJ-AVB, N20550 00.00.0000 rgd G.M. Piso, Curaçao. PJ-KSG Robinson R44 0835 N664PD 00.01.2003 noted being used by Coast Guard/Police in St. Maarten. 00.12.2008 Seized at Aruba. 00.00.2014 In derelict condition parked at Sint Maarten/Princess Juliana. 00.01.2018 cld, to N843AK (rgd 24.01.2018) PJ-KVG Fokker F27 Mk050 20211 PH-KVG (cld 23.06.2011) 04.06.2011 Departed Norwich, via Keflavik, on delivery to InselAir Aruba. 05.06.2011 Arr Willemstad/Hato, Curaçao on del, as PH-KVG. 00.06.2011 rgd Insel Air Aruba 17.08.2011 Seen Willemstad/Hato as PJ-KVG, full Insel Air Aruba c/s. 20.02.2015 last service. 22.04.2016 noted parked Hato, no engines. 00.04.2017 broken up Hato PJ-KVI Fokker F27 Mk050 20218 PH-KVI (cld 02.08.2011) 03.07.2011 Seen Norwich in InselAir c/s, without tail logo. 21.07.2011 Dep Norwich on delivery to Willemstad/Hato, Curaçao via Keflavik, Gander, Halifax (nightstop) and Nassau, arrival Hato 22.07.2011 as PH-KVI. 00.08.2011 rgd Insel Air Aruba. 00.12.2015 last service, parked Hato. 22.04.2016 Noted parked Hato, without engines. PJ-KVK Fokker F27 Mk050 20219 PH-KVK (cld 25.07.2011) 06.07.2011 Seen Norwich in InselAir c/s, without tail logo. 14.07.2011 Departed Norwich via Keflavik, Gander, Halifax (nightstop), Nassau and arrived Willemstad/Hato, Curaçao 15.07.11 on del, as PH-KVK. 00.07.2011 rgd Insel Air Aruba. 00.00.2016 stored Willemstad/Hato. 00.00.2017 scrapped. PJ-KVL Fokker F27 Mk050 20278 HK-4496, HK-4496-X, PH-AVG, (PH-LXS) 00.09.2014 rgd Insel Air. 02.09.2014 Seen Willemstad/Hato, basic Avianca c/s, no tls. 08.09.2014 Seen Willemstad/Hato in Insel Air c/s as PJ-KVL. 00.00.2018 Scrapped Willemstad/Hato, Curaçao. PJ-KVM Fokker F27 Mk050 20288 P4-KVM, HK-4479, HK-4497X, PH-MXJ 00.09.2014 rgd Insel Air 00.10.2019 cld, to 2-VGAS, 5Y-JNR PJ-KVN Fokker F27 Mk050 20299 HK-4501, PH-MXS, (PH-MXT) 00.03.2015 rgd Insel Air 28.03.2015 dep Kansas City (USA), via Port-au-Prince (Haiti) to Curaçao/Hato on del, basic Avianca c/s. 01.04.2015 Seen in basic Avianca c/s in hangar at Hato. 00.12.2015 last service, parked Hato. 22.04.2016 noted parked Hato, no engines. 00.08.2017 Seen operational; later that year stored StMaarten and scrapped. PJ-KVO Fokker F27 Mk050 20297 HK-4470, PR-OAX, PH-AVO 00.01.2016 sold to Insel Air Aruba and stored Kansas City (US) as PJ-KVO, basic Avianca c/s. 27.09.2016 Dep Kansas City, via Miami, on del, basic Avianca c/s. 04.11.2016 Seen Willemstad/Hato, Curaçao, basic Avianca c/s, “Insel Air” tls. 00.01.2020 Seen Willemstad/Hato, Curaçao, stored, missing engines and other parts. 00.09.2022 still present Willemstad/Hato, Curaçao, wfu in remote area of airport. PJ-LIH Robinson R44 Raven 1723 N30SG 00.07.2008 rgd Leeward Islands Helicopters 21.10.2008 Ditched during approach of Saba airport (Juancho Yrausquin Airport), killing both occupants. Aircraft was to pick up a hospital patient. PJ-LLZ Howard 500 500-101 5170 (US Navy, type 237-27-01) 00.04.1984 Impounded at Nassau because of drugs on board, fuselage. still seen there March 1991 in bad shape. PJ-MAM Cessna 182Q 18266276 N25UE (cld 28.06.2013, export Curaçao), PJ-CAH, N759UT 00.06.2013 rgd, in use at Falki Aviation Curaçao. PJ-MAR Cessna 650 Citation III 650-0049 C-FJOE, (N1131A) 00.00.0000 rgd. 00.00.0000 cld. to PT-LSN, N30AF, (N650AN), N30AF. PJ-MCR Cessna 172F Skyhawk 17252588 N8685U 00.09.1974 rgd R. Croes, Curaçao. PJ-MDA McDonnell Douglas DC-9-83 49449 9A-CBJ (Air Adriatic), N833NK, (SE-RDK), TF-MDB, D-ALLE 00.12.2006 rgd Insel Air. 22.12-24.12.2006 Perpignan(France)- Capverdian Islands- Belem(Brazil)- Curaçao on del. 00.09.2013 wfu and used for spares at Hato, Curaçao. PJ-MDB McDonnell Douglas DC-9-82 48021 ZS-OPU, N812NK, OE-LDX 00.05.2008 rgd Insel Air. 00.01.2017 grounded due non-fulfilment of regulations. PJ-MDC McDonnell Douglas DC-9-82 49434 N434AG (cld 18.09.2009), I-DAVM 14-17.09.2009 frd Uptington (South-Afrika)- Lagos (Nigeria)- Malaga (Spain)- Shannon (Eire)- Keflavik (Iceland)- Gander (Canada)- Raleigh (US)- Willemstad (Curaçao) on delivery, as N434AG. Painted in new Insel Air c/s. 00.09.2009 rgd Insel Air. 00.00.2016 cld to P4-MDC. PJ-MDD McDonnell Douglas DC-9-82 49972 N972AG (cld 08.12.2009), I-DACN 04.12.2009 Arr Willemstad, Curaçao on del from South-Africa, as N972AG. 00.12.2009 rgd Insel Air. 00.11.2012 cld to P4-MDD PJ-MDE McDonnell Douglas DC-9-82 49971 N971AG (cld 03.05.2011), I-DACM 00.05.2011 rgd Insel Air. 12.05.2011 Arr Willemstad, Curaçao on del from South-Africa. 00.01.2017 grounded due non-fulfilment of regulations. 00.00.2018 Scrapped Willemstad/Hato, Curaçao. PJ-MDF McDonnell Douglas DC-9-83 53014 N534WP, 5Y-BYN, F-GMLI, SE-RDL, TF-MDC, D-ALLQ 00.03.2013 rgd Insel Air. 13-15.03.2013 frd Johannesburg(South Afrika)- Libreville(Gabon)- Monrovia(Liberia)- Fortaleza(Brazil)- Paramaribo(Suriname)- Curaçao on del. 00.01.2017 grounded due non-fulfilment of regulations. 00.00.2018 Scrapped Willemstad/Hato, Curaçao. PJ-MDG McDonnell Douglas DC-9-83 49935 N598SC, EI-CRH, HB-IKM, G-DCAC, N3004C 00.12.2013 rgd Insel Air. 00.04.2014 transferred to Insel Air Aruba as P4-MDG PJ-MDI McDonnell Douglas DC-9-83 49847 P4-MDI, EC-JUG, N834NK, HB-IUM, D-AGWC, N6202D 00.10.2017 rgd Insel Air. 10.10.2017 Acceptance flight at Willemstad/Curaçao. 12.10.2017 i/s Curaçao- Sint Maarten. 00.00.2018 grounded Willemstad/Hato, Curaçao. 00.02.2021 still present Willemstad/Hato, Curaçao pending disposal. PJ-MOT Cessna 177 Cardinal Centre section dumped at Kralendijk /Bonaire - Flamingo, seen there 14.01.2004. Marking PJ-MOT painted on below cabin windows, so probably fake reg. possibly ex PJ-AVC. PJ-NAF Rockwell Commander 695A 96008 N9917S (cld 25.03.1986). 00.00.1986 rgd. 00.00.0000 rgd Jarbol Avia 00.00.1999 current PJ-NHB Bell 206L-1 Long Ranger 45661 C-FNHB (cld 24.01.2011), N166BH, N206ML, D-HMKM, N2028Z 00.01.2011 rgd. 00.02.2012 cld. to C-FNHB PJ-PLA Piper PA-31-350 Navajo Chieftain 31-7305038 PH-KID, G-BBEJ, N74905 14.09.1993 Rotterdam- Glasgow (UK)- Vagar (Faroer Islands)- Reykjavik (Iceland)- Sondre Stromfjord (Greenland)- Frobisher Bay- Sept-Iles (Canada)- Steward International (Canada)- Augusta/Daniel Field (US)- Sanford (US) (arrival 17.09.1993). 00.00.1993 rgd. 00.00.1993 cld. to PH-KID (rgd 03.11.1993, cld 14.12.1993) 00.12.1993 rgd PJ-PLA again. 00.00.0000 cld. to N78CF, PH-KID, TF-ADA, TF-VMA. PJ-PLB Beech 65-80 Queen Air LD-148 HB-GEY, OH-BQB, SE-EUY, D-ILGU, N4105U Flying as HB-GEY for KLM Aerocarto. Some time parked at Rotterdam (Netherlands, EHRD) as HB-GEY. Begin 1995 ntd Hato, Curaçao, as HB-GEY in KLM Aerocarto colours. 00.00.1995 rgd as PJ-PLB. Flying for KLM Aerocarto in full KLM Aerocarto c/s. 02.10.1997 Seen at Sandford in full KLM Aerocarto c/s. 00.03.1998 cld. to N204CS. PJ-PLC Fairchild-Hiller FH-1100 165 N442FH (20.08.1992 cld as exported to Netherlands Antilles) 00.08.1992 rgd Pelican Air NV, Curaçao. 09.04.1993 Engine failure en-route Curaçao - Dominican Republic, at about 500 km from Curaçao and ditched. Before the forced landing, the pilot was able to sent and SOS, which was received by the crew of an Air Aruba aircraft. After 20 minutes an US Navy aircraft was able to locate the dinghy with both crew members. After about three hours both were taken aboard a merchant ship. Pilot George Thielen. PJ-PLD Bell 206B Jet Ranger II 29 EC-EFE, G-BBFE, 9J-ADT, G-BBFE, ZS-HCD 00.00.0000 rgd Pelican Air NV, Curaçao. 01.03.2002 crashed Willemstad, Cabo Verdeweg, on the area of a snackbar, after a kite-line got struck in the rotor. One of the two occupants slightly wounded, a women on the ground got into a shock. Aircraft w/o. At the time of the crash the a/c was operated by the local police. According to other sources this a/c has c/n 273, ex ....., YV-571C, N95Q. PJ-PLE Bell 206B Jet Ranger III 2080 YV-123C, N9990K 00.02.2000 rgd Pelican Air NV, Curaçao. 00.00.2007 regd PJ-BSH. PJ-RAY Beech B19 Sport 150 MB-568 N24671 (00.09.1996 cld as exported to Antilles) 00.00.1996 rgd C. van Donge, based Curaçao/Willemstad- Hato. 00.00.2012 Parked Curaçao/Willemstad- Hato since a few years due to lack of finances for engine exchange. PJ-RDC Cessna 172 00.00.1978 Noted active Curaçao/Willemstad- Hato. PJ-REF Piper PA-18-150 Super Cub 18-4102 N10F 03.04.1955 rgd Aero Club Curaçao. 02.12.1956 crashed, rebuilt with new engine 20.02.1959 new CoR/CoA issued after repairs/rebuilt with c/n 18-6501. 30.06.1963 w/o in crash at Hato. 04.10.1963 cld. PJ-SAA Cessna 402B Businessliner 402B0119 HP-717, C9-ANL, CR-ANL, N7869Q, 00.00.0000 rgd. 00.00.0000 cld. to CS-ARJ. PJ-SAB Cessna 402B Businessliner 402B0318 HP-693, C9-AOT, CR-AOT, ZS-IUO, N1559T 00.00.0000 rgd. 00.00.0000 cld. to CS-ARL. PJ-SAB Britten-Norman BN-2B-21 Islander 2210 N848MA, 8P-TAJ, N105AM, B-3904, G-BPLS 00.06.2019 rgd SXM Airways, Sint Maarten. PJ-SAC Cessna 402B Businessliner 402B0443 HP-718, C9-AON, CR-AON, ZS-IVV, N69333 00.00.0000 rgd. 00.00.0000 cld. to CS-ARN. PJ-SBC Piper PA-31-350 Chieftain 31-8052054 N555MP (16.03.2011 cld), HP-1263, N555MP, N35541 00.03.2011 rgd 00.04.2011 Seen as such Willemstad/Hato, Curaçao. 00.00.2015 Operations for United Caribbean Airlines. PJ-SBH Britten-Norman BN-2A-20 Islander 2289 N768NB, 6Y-JNS, G-BVXX 00.08.2022 rgd SXM Airways, Sint Maarten. 17.08.2022 frd Fort Lauderdale International- Nassau- Providenciales. 18.08.2022 del Providenciales- Punta Cana- Sint Maarten. PJ-SEA Britten-Norman BN-2A-26 Islander 311 C-FFXS (cld 28.09.2005), N102NE, C-GAPZ, N92CA, G-BAFE 00.09.2005 rgd Divi Divi Air. PJ-SEF McDonnell Douglas DC-9-82 49123 N317RC 04.10.1982 rgd Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM, owner Curaçao Aircraft Leasing NV, name "Flamboyant". 01.09.2001 operational name of ALM changed to DCE- Dutch Caribbean Express 00.10.2004 DCE ceased operations, since then parked at Curaçao/Willemstad. 02.08.2008 Finally broken up at Curacao/Willemstad. Cockpit saved for preservation in a pilots' backyard. PJ-SEG McDonnell Douglas DC-9-82 49124 N319RC 04.10.1982 rgd Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM, owner Curacao Aircraft Leasing NV, name "Kibrahocha". 01.09.2001 operational name of ALM changed to DCE- Dutch Caribbean Express. 00.10.2004 DCE ceased operations, since then parked at Curaçao/Willemstad. PJ-SEH McDonnell Douglas DC-9-83 49661 EC-EVY, EC-421, SU-DAK, EI-BWB, (EI-BTY), (N11843) 00.05.1991 rgd Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM. 01.09.2001 operational name of ALM changed to DCE- Dutch Caribbean Express. Owner GECAS. 13.12.2002 Seen Willemstad/Hato in basic ALM c/s, no tls. 00.10.2004 DCE ceased operations. 13.08.2005 ntd stored Phoenix/Goodyear, US, basic ALM c/s, no tls. 00.01.2006 cld. to N8071B PJ-SKY Britten-Norman BN-2A-26 Islander 885 C-FDYT (cld 11.03.2005), N29MR, XC-DUO, G-BFOC 00.03.2005 rgd Divi divi Air, Curaçao. PJ-SLB Hawker Siddeley HS.125-403B 25223 G-AYIZ, G-5-15 26.04.1971 rgd Schlumberger Ltd NV, Willemstad, Curaçao; based Paris/Le Bourget (France). 21.02.1973 cld. to F-BSSL (Schlumberger), G-AYIZ, G-TACE PJ-SLH Aérospatiale-Aeritalia ATR.42-320 090 F-WQNN, PH-XLE, F-WQBR, N18809, F-WWEP 00.06.2005 rgd Bonair Express. 14.06.2005 seen hangared Toulouse (France), all white. 30.07.2005 Seen Oranjestad/Aruba, all white. 00.00.2006 to Dutch Antilles Express. 00.10.2011 cld. to N190NA, PJ-DAH PJ-SNA McDonnell Douglas DC-9-32 47648 17.01.1975 rgd ALM, name "Aruba". 14.01.1987 cld. to G-PKBM, N942VV (1995 Valujet), XA-THB (Aerocalifornia). PJ-SNB McDonnell Douglas DC-9-32 47666 11.04.1975 rgd ALM, name "Bonaire". 29.07.1988 cld. to G-PKBD, N941VV (Valujet), XA-THC (Aerocalifornia). PJ-SNC McDonnell Douglas DC-9-32 47669 13.06.1975 rgd Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM, name "Curaçao". 18.10.1982 cld. N932L (15.05.2001 s/t Bravo Capital by Boeing, cld 07.12.2001 and scrapped Victorville, US). PJ-SND McDonnell Douglas DC-9-32 47638 6Y-JIJ (Air Jamaica) 30.06.1977 rgd Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM. 08.11.1978 cld. to 6Y-JIJ. 28.04.1980 rgd again as PJ-SND to ALM. 06.07.1980 cld. to 6Y-JIJ, EC-DTI, N4549V, Bu163208 PJ-SNE McDonnell Douglas DC-9-32 47175 N3334L 05.07.1980 rgd Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij - ALM, name "St Maarten". 31.05.1983 cld. to N3991C, 04.08.2008 cld, scrapped Marana (US). PJ-SNK McDonnell Douglas DC-9-31 48144 (PJ-DCK), N924VJ (US Air Inc, 27.03.2002 s/t Alameda Corp and stored Mojave, 00.07.2002 cld as sold in Antilles) 00.00.2002 rgd Dutch Caribbean Airlines (DCA), owner Jetran International Ltd (rgd before 06.11.2002). 00.02.2006 cld To YV1663 (ASERCA, seen Margarita 24.02.2006 as such). PJ-SNL McDonnell Douglas DC-9-31 48154 N927VJ (cld 26.08.2002) 00.08.2002 rgd Dutch Caribbean Airlines (DCA), owner Jetran International Ltd. 00.00.2006 cld To YV111T (ASERCA, seen Curacao 15.04.2006 as such), YV1921 (ASERCA). PJ-SNM McDonnell Douglas DC-9-31 48139 N919VJ (Alameda Corp, cld 30.01.2003) 00.12.2002 rgd Dutch Caribbean Airlines (DCA), owner Jetran International Ltd. 13.12.2002 Seen active Willemstad/Hato. 00.00.2006 cld. To YV114T, YV1879 (ASERCA). PJ-SNN McDonnell Douglas DC-9-31 48138 N918VJ (Alameda Corp, cld 25.06.2003 on export to Antilles). 00.06.2003 rgd Dutch Caribean Airlines (DCA), owner Jetran International Ltd. 00.02.2006 cld to YV115T (ASERCA, seen Maracaibo 05.02.2006 as such). PJ-SOL Beech 400 Beechjet RJ-19 N880HM, (N700HM), N800HM, N3119W 00.00.0000 rgd 00.00.0000 cld to N24BA. PJ-SUN Britten-Norman BN-2A-8 Islander 377 SE-LGN, D-IHUR, G-BBUA, G-51-377, 5T-TJV, F-BUTN, G-BBUA 00.00.2002 rgd Divi Divi Air, Curaçao. 28.05.2002 seen Harle, Germany, pre-delivery. Fitted at Harle with Liese cylinders and 4 bladed props. 20.06.2002 Wick (UK)- Reykjavik (Iceland)-Narssarssuaq (Greenland) on delivery. 00.07.2002 Seen at Curaçao. 22.10.2009 Ditched off coast Bonaire after emergency landing due to engine failure. The pilot drowned, all 9 passengers escaped and were saved. 18.12.2009 The wreck of the aircraft, including the body of the pilot, was recovered from 170 m deep ocean floor. Wreck taken to Hato, Curaçao for investigation. 00.08.2011 Wreck moved to scrapyard at Berg Arrarat, Curaçao. PJ-SWA Piper PA-32 00.00.2010 First noted. PJ-SXM Britten-Norman BN-2A-26 Islander 876 C-FZXG (cld 16.11.2017), C-GZTP, V3-HRT, N610PA, N425NE, G-BFNT 00.11.2017 rgd SXM Airways, Sint Maarten. PJ-TAC Lockheed L 100-30 Hercules 5225 N4161T 00.00.1991 Angola Air Charter, wet-leased from Frameair. 00.00.0000 Long-term storage Bordeaux (France). 00.00.2010 cld. to N407LC, P2-LAE, P4-LAE (PJ-TAI) Piper PA-23-160 Apache E 23-1471 N3495P ntu, to PZ-TAI, F-OGDM, N3495P (PJ-TAL) Piper PA-23-160 Apache E 23-1363 N3400P ntu, to PZ-TAL, w/o Zorg en Hoop (Surinam) 16.09.1967. PJ-TAP Douglas DC-4-1009 42925 PH-TAP (cld 30.08.1948) 14.09.1948 rgd KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf. 21.12.1948 cld. not registered anywhere 18.09.1949 rgd again PJ-TAP to KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf. 22.05.1954 cld. to PH-DBP, F-OBIB (Air Algerie), 7T-VAB, F-BRHD, XV-NUO, broken up mid 1975. PJ-TAR Douglas DC-4-1009 42923 PH-TAR 10.12.1947 rgd to KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf. 25.11.1948 cld. to PH-TAR (rgd 03.12.1948), EC-AEK (Iberia), HI-169, wfu 1975 and broken up. PJ-TAS Douglas DC-4-1009 42924 PH-TAS (cld 11.02.48) 22.12.1947 rgd KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf. 12.01.1949 cld. to PH-TAS 30.08.1949 rgd KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf. 18.06.1952 cld. to (PH-TGB), PH-TAS, PH-DBS, F-BILL (Air France), TR-LKA, broken up late 1970-ies. PJ-TAT Douglas DC-4-1009 42908 PH-TAT (cld 11.02.1948) 00.02.1948 rgd KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf. 00.10.1948 cld. to PH-TAT (rgd 06.10.1948, cld 30.08.1949) 30.08.1949 handed over to KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf 00.00.1949 rgd PJ-TAT again to KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf 00.01.1954 cld. to PH-TAT (rgd 30.01.1954), PH-DBT, F-BFDI (29.05.1958 delivered to Air France), EC-BER (11.07.1966 delivered to Trans Europa), F-BMMI (00.06.1975 Vargas Aviation), since 00.07.1975 parked Niamey (Niger), last noted 1986, broken up (?). (PJ-TCO) Douglas C-54A Skymaster 10310 ntu, to PJ-ALO. PJ-TOA de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 772 10.08.1981 rgd ABC Commuter Airways NV. Holder ALM, name "Aruba". 14.10.1988 cld. to N7033U, N235SA, 8P-TIB, N235SA, J8-VBO, N235SA, N189GC, TI-BFO, N189GC PJ-TOB de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 773 10.08.1981 rgd ABC Commuter Airways NV. Holder ALM, name "Bonaire". 14.10.1988 cld. to N70331, N236SA, VP-CTO, N236SA (rgd 18.02.2004). PJ-TOC de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 371 C-GGMV (BBS Leasing Inc, cld 18.02.2003 as sold in Antilles), N371PM, VH-NTO, LN-FAP, C-FKKV, F-GFAG, SE-GEA 00.02.2003 rgd Dutch Caribbean Express, Curacao, owner BBS Aircraft Inc, large Bin Korsou tls. 17.04.2004 Seen Hato, all white, being prepared for new owner. 00.00.2004 cld. to HC-CES (Aeromaster Airways), N371SS (rgd 00.04.2008), C-FCPS (rgd 06.05.2008). PJ-TOD de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 675 C-GGKR (BBS Leasing Inc., cld again 18.02.2003 as sold in Antilles), 5N-BCL, C-GGKR (03.12.2000 Iqaluit(C)- Reykjavik(TF), cld 08.12.2000 on export to Antilles but was regd as 5N-BCL), F-OGIZ 00.12.2002 rgd Dutch Caribbean Express, Curacao, owner BBS Leasing Inc. 05.12.2002 del Eindhoven (Netherlands)- Reykjavik (Iceland) on delivery to Antilles. 00.00.2004 rgd to Windward Islands Airways (Winair) 00.05.2008 cld. to C-FUMY (rgd 23.05.2008), N675BA. PJ-TOM Cessna 560 Citation V Ultra 560-0414 SE-RGY (16.04.12 cld as sold in Antilles), ZS-CDS, N5235G 00.00.2012 rgd Jet Budget 02.08.2012 Seen Orlando(US) as PJ-TOM. 00.12.2019 cld, to N968SR. PJ-TSA de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 359 N149SA (cld 00.12.2001 on export to Antilles), N410LP, N149SA, D-IDHC 00.12.2001 rgd Windward Islands Airways (Winair). 29.12.2001 seen at St. Martin, with "VistaCruiter" windows. 00.03.2002 cld. to N149SA (rgd 05.03.02 Twin Otter International Inc), PJ-TSB PJ-TSB de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 359 N149SA, PJ-TSA, N410LP, N149SA, D-IDHC 00.11.2002 rgd Windward Islands Airways (Winair). 12.12.2002 Seen at St. Maarten, with "VistaCruiter" windows. 00.01.2003 Seen with small "Twin Otter International" tls. 20.05.2003 cld. to N149SA (rgd 22.05.2003 Twin Otter International Ltd, cld 02.12.03), PJ-TSC PJ-TSC de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 359 N149SA, PJ-TSB, N149SA, PJ-TSA, N410LP, N149SA, D-IDHC 00.12.2003 rgd Windward Islands Airways (Winair). 00.05.2004 cld. to N149SA (rgd 04.05.04, cld 08.12.2004), PJ-TSD PJ-TSD de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 359 N149SA (cld 08.12.2004), PJ-TSC, N149SA, PJ-TSB, N149SA, PJ-TSA, N410LP, N149SA, D-IDHC 00.12.2004 rgd Windward Islands Airways (Winair). 00.05.2005 cld. to N149SA (rgd 19.05.2005 Twin Otter International Ltd). PJ-TSE de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 365 N97AR, N144SA, N544N 00.12.2005 rgd Windward Islands Airways (Winair). 00.05.2006 cld. to N97AR PJ-TYD Britten-Norman BN-2A-26 Islander 3009 PZ-TYD, F-OHQX, (F-OHQW), D-IORC, OY-CEG, G-BLNR, RP-C184 00.04.2018 rgd EZ Air (operating as Easy Air), Bonaire PJ-VIA Embraer EMB-110P1 Bandeirante 110-387 E5-Tç (Air Rarotonga), ZK-Tç (Air Rarotonga), PT-SFE 00.02.2008 rgd Insel Air, Curaçao. 21.02.2008 Arrival Curaçao, on ferry from Cook Islands. PJ-VIC Embraer EMB-110P1 Bandeirante 110-261 VH-BWC, PT-SBA 23.03.2010 frd to Pago Pago, Bahamas on ferry to Antilles. 00.04.2010 Arr Willemstad/Hato, Curaçao on delivery. 08.04.2010 VH-BWC cld. 00.00.2011 rgd Insel Air, Curaçao. 00.08.2011 Seen at Willemstad/Hato, Curaçao, full Insel c/s. 00.04.2017 broken up Hato, Curaçao. PJ-VIP Embraer EMB-110P1 Bandeirante 110-382 YV-249C, N63DA, PT-SEZ 00.05.2006 rgd Insel Air, Curaçao. 11.08.2006 christened “Ellis Juliana” at Hato. 00.04.2017 broken up Hato, Curaçao. PJ-VST Cessna 172I Skyhawk 17256605 N1933C, N8405L 21.05.1968 rgd Aruba Flying Club. 16.08.1968 Arrival De Vuijst airfield, Aruba, on delivery. Pilots Olivier Bijl and Eddy Luckhoo. 03.06.1977 to Oduber Aviation Center Inc, Aruba 00.00.1977 cld to N64753 PJ-WCA de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 402 C-FHKB (cld 18.11.2013), N204SA, C-GHRE, HP-1308APP, N546N, V3-HFM, 5N-ATM, F-GFYE, N546N, N980FL 00.11.2013 rgd Windward Islands International NV (Winair), Sint Maarten. 00.07.2014 cld to C-FHKB PJ-WCB de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 793 C-FKBU, CC-PQQ, C-FWZB, N742CA, C-GDCZ, C-GDNG 00.12.2015 rgd Windward Islands Airways International NV (Winair), Sint Maarten. 00.06.2017 cld to C-FKBU PJ-WCC de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 613 C-FKBK, CC-ACH, C-GGPM, CC-PII, C-FQOL, V3-HTC, C-FQOL, G-BMXW, SE-GEF 00.12.2015 rgd Windward Islands Airways International NV (Winair), Sint Maarten. 12.06.2016 Seen Calgary (Canada) after return to Kenn Borek Air after lease. 00.06.2016 cld to C-FKBK (rgd 23.06.2016), 8Q-ISD PJ-WCD de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 287 C-GKBV, 8Q-MAB, C-GKBV, 8Q-MAB, C-GKBV, 8Q-MAB, 8Q-KBV, C-GKBV, N918MA, N2303X, F-GBDD, 5A-DBC, N622MA 00.06.2016 rgd Windward Islands Airways International NV (Winair), Sint Maarten. 03/06.08.2017 frd Fort Lauderdale- Orlando- Birmingham- Wichita- Denver- Cheyenne- Calgary on return to Kenn Borek Air. 00.12.2017 cld To C-GKBV PJ-WEA Britten-Norman BN-2A Islander 659 N659CM, N40UC, N9857C, D-IAJW, G-AYXK 00.04.2000 rgd Windward Islands Airways International NV (Winair), Sint Maarten. 28.04.2000 Left Penticon (Canada) after a major re-furbish for St Maarten. 07.09.2017 Damaged beyond repair during Hurricane Irma. PJ-WEB Pilatus Britten-Norman BN-2B-20 Islander 2208 8P-TAG (Trans Island Air, Barbados), (8P-SCA), N32GM, B-3903, G-BPLP 00.00.2003 rgd Windward Islands Airways International NV (Winair), Sint Maarten. 09.02.2003 Noted Barbados, still as 8P-TAG. PJ-WEC Piper PA-23-250 Aztec F 27-7854007 N63857 (cld 19.02.2008 as sold to Antilles) 15.04.2008 Seen St. Maarten. Identity has to be confirmed but most probable. PJ-WED Pilatus Britten-Norman BN-2B-20 Islander 2153 PZ-TBL, N633BB, EC-EBH, G-BKEH 00.00.2013 rgd Windward Islands Airways International NV (Winair), Sint Maarten. 00.11.2013 Seen Sint Maarten, all white c/s. PJ-WIA de Havilland Canada DHC-6-100 Twin Otter 22 01.03.1967 rgd Windward Islands Airways International NV (Winair), Sint Maarten. 02.02.1967 Arrived Princess Juliana Airport, Sint Maarten on del; ferry flight from Miami via San Juan (Puerto Rico); pilot G. Greaux. 00.01.1978 Seen stored Opa-Locka, Florida (USA). 27.07.1978 cld, "sold to Miami Aviation Corp, Opa Locka", to HP-772, N100AP, (N122AR). PJ-WIB de Havilland Canada DHC-6-200 Twin Otter 98 N1371T (since 1968 opf Winair as N1371T). 15.02.1970 rgd Windward Islands Airways International NV (Winair), Sint Maarten. From 00.12.1974 operations for Antilliaanse Luchtvaart Maatschappij (ALM), full ALM c/s. 17.02.1978 cld, "sold to FBA Aircraft SA, Miami, Opa Loka Airport", to HP-771, HP-771, HP-791, N2270D, TF-JME, 27.06.1979 destroyed by fire while being refueled at Daneborg, Greenland. PJ-WIC Britten-Norman BN-2A Islander 229 N43JA, G-51-229 06.05.1971 rgd Windward Islands Airways International NV (Winair), Sint Maarten. 08.05.1985 cld, to N229BN. PJ-WID Beech D50B Twin Bonanza DH-212 F-OGCU (operations for Winair subsidiary Air Caraibes), N5684D 31.01.1972 rgd Windward Islands Airways International NV (Winair), Sint Maarten. 00.00.1975 w/o St. Barths. 16.11.1977 sold to Frank Delisle, Antigua and Barbuda, for spares. 17.02.1978 cld. PJ-WIE de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 542 21.06.1977 rgd to ALM, opf Windward Islands International NV (Winair). 08.06.1979 rgd Windward Islands Airways International NV (Winair), Sint Maarten. 17.10.2000 sold to JAS Aircraft Sales & Leasing Inc. 21.12.2000 cld. To N34KH (rgd 090201, noted stored at Murrieta-French Valley, California (USA) up until september 2007 still painted as PJ-WIE), (N808RT), N34KH, P2-BBM PJ-WIF de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 543 21.06.1977 rgd to ALM, opf Windward Islands International NV. 08.06.1979 rgd to Windward Islands International NV (Winair). 00.08.1983 St. Bath. Nosewheel carriage collapsed during crosswind landing and damaged. The a/c was moved by boat to St. Maarten for repairs. 30.07.2002 wfu; 132000 landings (!); sold to Bombardier for research purposes. 00.07.2008 Fuselage seen at Airdrie (Calgary, Canada), with MSN 543 painted at the side. PJ-WIG Piper PA-31T3 Cheyenne II 31T-8375005 N2474W 09.05.1984 rgd to Windward Islands International NV (Winair). 00.03.1989 cld. to N110JK, 09.02.2000 w/o Wales, AK, cld 11.06.2001. PJ-WIH de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 766 N304CH, C-GFCA 13.09.1985 rgd to Windward Islands International NV. 13.03.1986 Seen Opa Locka, Florida (USA) being prepared for delivery to Winair. 05.11.1990 Damaged during landing Sint Eustatius. To avoid an overrun, the aircraft was steered from the runway. Aircraft left runway at left side, and came to stop after a groundloop. Wing damaged. 00.00.2003 seen with names "Freddy Johnson" and "spirit of Saba". 00.10.2005 Seen stored next to to maintenance hangar at St. Maarten, being used for spares by Winair. 00.03.2011 cld to N67SA (rgd 140311-160311), YN-CHQ, C-GKPV, J8-GLS, C-GKPV, PK-VIL, PK-FSC PJ-WII de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 682 C-GKGQ, 5Y-SKS, G-BGZP 00.03.2012 rgd Windward Islands Airways International NV (Winair), Sint Maarten. PJ-WIJ de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 533 C-FAKB (cld 18.10.2012), N533SW, 4X-AHZ, C-GNTD 06-08.10.1012 frd Calgary(C)- Great Falls (Montana, USA) - Rapid City (South Dakota, USA) - Springfield (Missouri, USA) - Birmingham (Alabama, USA) - Orlando (Florida, USA) - Nassau (Bahamas) - Providenciales (Turks and Caicos) - Sint Maarten on del, as C-FAKB. 00.10.2012 rgd Windward Islands International NV (Winair), named "Chester Wathey". 13.05.2016 arr Calgary, Canada on return to Kenn Borek Air. 00.10.2016 cld to C-FAKB (rgd 29.11.2016) PJ-WIK Nihon YS-11-111 2025 N107MP, RP-C1420, JA8661 00.11.1990 rgd to Windward Islands International NV (Winair). Since 2000 (?) put on display at Salt Pond, St Maarten. 01.10.2001 Seen Salt Pond, St Maarten, in use as a bar, completely green c/s, "Air Lekkerbek" tls and reg PJ-WIK on nose. 06.09.2017 Damaged during passage of hurricane "Irma" and withdrawn from use. 00.12.2018 Fuselage transported to Philipsburg seaport, for use as ocean diving attraction. Stored at Bobby's Marina in Philipsburg. 09.05.2021 Noted partially submerged in shallow water. PJ-WIL de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 358 C-FCSY, CF-CSY 00.09.2000 rgd Windward Islands International NV (Winair) 28.09.2000 Dep Ottawa (Canada) on del. 21.06.2013 Arr Calgary (Canada) on del. 06.09.2013 Seen Aridrie (Canada), full Winair c/s. 00.02.2014 cld to C-GXWG, 8Q-IAL PJ-WIM de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 840 N721RA, C-FCVY, N840ES, C-FCVY, C-GDKL 00.07.2000 Windward Islands International NV (Winair) 04/05.10.2008 frd Sint Maarten - Providenciales (Turks and Caicos) - Brookhaven (Mississippi, USA) - Mena (Arizona, USA). 15.10.2008 Mena- Scottsbluff (Nebraska, USA) - Miles City (Montana, USA) - Calgary (Canada) - Airdrie (Canada) on del. 00.07.2009 cld. tp C-FZYG (rgd 20.07.09, F-ONCA PJ-WIN de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 518 5Y-SKA, D-IDWT 22/26.07.2008 Mombasa (Kenya) - Sao Tome - Sal Island - Sint Maarten on del as 5Y-SKA. 00.09.2008 rgd Windward Islands International NV (Winair) 21.05.2012 Arr Calgary Canada) on del. 00.07.2012 cld to C-GSOZ, PK-BAF, C-GSOZ, PJ-WIQ PJ-WIO de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 373 C-FKBX (cld 18.12.2014), P2-KSP, C-FASG, CF-ASG 15.12.2014 Arr Sint Maarten, from Procidenciales (Turks-Caicos), as C-FKBX. 00.12.2014 rgd Windward Islands International NV (Winair). 00.06.2015 cld to C-FKBX PJ-WIP de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 802 C-GKPG, 9M-MDL, C-GDFT 28.06.2016 Seen taxying at Airdrie airfield, Alberta (Canada), white fuselage, blue wings, nacelles and tailplanes, as PJ-WIP. 27.07.2016 leased to Winair. 00.07.2016 rgd Windward Islands International NV (Winair). 13-16.11.2020 frd StMaarten- Providenciales- Fort Lauderdale Exec- Talahassee- Memphis- Kansas City/Downtown- Lincoln- Rapid City- Billings- Calgary International- Airdie on return to lessor Unity Aviation Canada. But later on back in Winair service again 14.04.2023 l/s Saint Barthelemy- Sint Maarten 17-22.04.2023 frd Sint Maarten- Tortola- Providenciales- FXE- Tallahasse- MEM- Kansas City- Grand Island- Casper- Billings- YYC- Airdrie. 00.07.2023 cld, to C-GKSO. PJ-WIQ de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 518 C-GSOZ, PK-BAF, C-GSOZ, PJ-WIN, 5Y-SKA, D-IDWT 00.11.2018 rgd Windward Islands International NV (Winair) PJ-WIR de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 476 N476R (rgd 31.10.2008, cld 12.03.2009), TJ-SAC, 5N-AKP, PH-STJ, 5N-AKP 00.03.2009 rgd Windward Islands International NV (Winair), lsd from Gum Air, Suriname. 00.10.2010 cld to PZ-TBN PJ-WIS de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 447 C-GPAO, N5356A, C-GPAO 00.04.2010 rgd Windward Islands International NV (Winair). 03.05.2014 Seen Des Moines, Iowa (USA) on del, 07.05.2014 seen Calgary (Canada). 00.07.2014 cld to C-GKBQ, 8Q-IAF, C-GKBQ PJ-WIT de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 588 C-FBBW, 8Q-KBA, C-FBBW, VP-CLC, C-FBBW, C-GMPX 23/25.08.2013 Calgary (Canada) - Williston (North Dakota, USA) - Spencer (Iowa, USA) - Cape Girardeau (Missouri, USA) - Albany (Georgia, USA) - Fort Lauderdale (Florida, USA) - Nassau (Bahamas) - Providenciales (Turks and Caicos) - San Juan (Puerto Rico) - Sint Maarten on del, as C-FBBW. 00.08.2013 rgd Windward Islands Airways International NV (Winair), Sint Maarten. 00.06.2018 cld; reverted to C-FBBW PJ-WIU de Havilland Canada DHC-6-300 Twin Otter 831 C-GKVN, 5N-BLJ, VH-VHM, PK-LTY, B-3512, VR-BJP, C-GDNG 00.07.2017 rgd Windward Islands International NV. 05.07.2017 arr Sint Maarten on del. PJ-WIV Aérospatiale-Aeritalia ATR.42-500 854 N854AV, HC-CMH, F-WWLI 00.06.2023 rgd Windward Islands International NV. 30.06.2023 del Medellin/Herrera (Colombia)- Medellin/Córdova (Colombia)- Sint Maarten. PJ-WIW Aérospatiale-Aeritalia ATR.42-500 849 N849AV, HC-CMB, F-WWLH 00.10.2023 rgd Windward Islands International NV. 25/26.10.2023 frd Medellin- Curacao. 27.10.2023 Curacao- Sint Maarten on del. PJ-WIX de Havilland Canada DHC.6-300 Twin Otter 238 C-GKVV, PK-BRN, HB-LTR, C-GHTO, ST-AHT, N5584H, C-FWAA, CF-WAA 01-06.06.2023 frd Airdrie- Lethbridge- Cut Bank- Glasgow- Scottsbluff- Wichita- Memphis- Talahassee- FXE- Providenciales- Sint Maarten on del, as C-GKVV. 08.06.2023 rgd Windward Islands International NV. PJ-WLE Cessna 182A Skylane 34597 N3897D 15.05.1962 rgd Aruba Flying Club. 29.06.1972 cld, "change of ownership not reported within 3 months" 03.08.1972 cancellation withdrawn 24.07.1975 cld to N65006 PJ-WLS Piper PA-34-200T Seneca II 34-7670039 N4418X (00.03.1998 exported to Antilles) 00.00.1998 rgd E-Liner Airways. 28/29.12.1999 Noted Curaçao/Hato, parked in front of Aero Club. 24.02.2002 ntd Aruba. 19.09.2009 Seen parked Curaçao/Hato. 00.02.2021 still present Curaçao/Hato, wfu/stripped at aero club ramp. 00.09.2021 present at field outside Sambil mall, Willemstad, Curacao, without engines, outer wings and many other parts missing. PJ-WNY Piper PA-31-350 Navajo Chieftain 31-7405200 PT-WNY, PT-JYS, N66909 00.06.2006 rgd E-Liner Airways. 00.10.2006 Seen Curaçao/Hato, in new c/s, "E-Liner Airways" and "Air Taxi and Tours" tls. 19.09.2009 Seen parked Curaçao/Hato, Air Taxi and Tours tls. 00.02.2010 cld to N801AA (rgd 02.02.2010 Arlis Air LLC, Curaçao) PJ-XAA Bensen rotor kite 05.08.1960 rgd Jeugd Luchtvaart Brigade Nederlandse Antillen, Curaçao cld before 05.08.1963 (when CoR expired), "cannot be used as such for quite some time". PJ-XLI Aérospatiale-Aeritalia ATR.42-320 066 PH-XLI (cld 04.02.2005), F-WQBO, TG-AFA, TG-MWG, F-WQBO, N76803, F-WWEU 05.08.2004 Seen Quebec, Canada, on del to Aruba, as PH-XLI. Opf BonAir Exel. 00.06.2005 frd to St. Brieuc, France, as PJ-XLI, noted being repainted 05.09.2005. 00.00.2005 cld to F-WQNB, D4-CBS (rgd 00.05.2006), F-WQND (permit 00.05.2007), F-HBSO, G-ZEBS, HA-KAG PJ-XLL Aérospatiale-Aeritalia ATR.42-320 374 PH-XLL (cld 22.07.2003), F-OHFD, F-WWLQ 00.00.2003 rgd BonAir Exel 01.04.2003 Beek (Netherlands). Roll-out in full BonAir Exel c/s, as PJ-XLL. 19.04.2003 Beek- Keflavik (Iceland), on delivery to BonAir Exel. 22.04.2003 Arrival Bonaire. 19.01.2005 frd Keflavik (Iceland)- Saint Brieuc/Armor (France), returned to owner. 00.00.2005 cld. to F-WQNP, PP-PTI, N374AF, C-GLDE PJ-XLM Aérospatiale-Aeritalia ATR.42-320 378 PH-XLM (cld 15.08.2003), F-OHFE, F-WWLA 00.08.2003 rgd Exel Antilles, opf BonAir Exel. 00.06.2006 to Dutch Antilles Express (DAE). 00.06.2011 cld. to N378NA (rgd 23.06.2011), HR-AXN, G-ISLJ, 2-FLYE PJ-XLN Aérospatiale-Aeritalia ATR.42-500 513 PH-XLN (cld 03.02.2005), F-OHJB, F-WWLL 02.10.2004 frd Eindhoven (Netherlands)- Keflavik (Iceland), as PH-XLN. 00.02.2005 Rgd Curaçao Exel. 00.03.2005 Seen with Curaçao Express tls, Exel c/s. 00.06.2006 to Dutch Antilles Express (DAE). 03.06.2006 Seen Curaçao/Hato, DAE c/s. 00.06.2011 cld. to N513NA (rgd 22.06.2011), HK-4806 PJ-ZAA Loening C-2-H 234 NC23V (rgd 1929 Standard Oil, 00.04.1933 to Lagoven, wfu 00.08.1933 after 262 hrs ops for Lagovem) 00.00.1933 shiped to Aruba. 00.00.1933 s/t Mr. Viana, Aruba and partners (all Lago employees)/Carribean Flying Service. 00.00.1934 rgd Carribean Flying Service. Used for scheduled service between Aruba and Curacao. 00.12.1934 Operation ceased after start of operations of KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf. Mr. Viana was payed by KLM to stop the scheduled service. Semi-military use during second world war: A-1 Aeronca L-3B 43-26754 12.05.1943 handed over. 17.05.1943 arrival Houston (US) for shipping 26.08.1943 arrival Aruba. Used by Aruba Flying Club (AFC), owned by Government 00.09.1943 first flight for AFC. 00.01.1949 to PJ-GAA. A-2 Aeronca L-3B 43-26755 12.05.1943 handed over. 17.05.1943 arrival Houston (US) for shipping. 26.08.1943 arrival Aruba. Used by Aruba Flying Club (AFC), owned by Government. 00.09.1943 first flight for AFC. 00.01.1949 to PJ-GAB. A-3 Porterfield 35-70 Flyabout imported from Puerto Rico 00.00.1943 rgd. 00.00.1946 cld. A-3 Fairchild PT-26 Cornell Most probably purchased via Miami Sales Center 00.01.1947 Arrival and used by Aruba Flying Club, owned by Government 00.01.1949 to PJ-GAC. P-1 Piper L4B Cub 43-1190 10.01.1943 Shipped via Newark, US. 00.05.1943 arrival Curaçao. Used by Aero Club Curaçao. 00.12.1945 crashed Hato and w/o. P-2 Piper L4B Cub 10053 43-1192, (42-60002) 10.01.1943 Shipped via Newark (US). 00.05.1943 arrival Curaçao. Used by Aero Club Curaçao. 00.01.1949 rgd PJ-GAD. P-3 Fairchild PT-26 Cornell Most probably purchased via Miami Sales Center 00.01.1947 Arrival and used by Aruba Flying Club 00.01.1949 rgd PJ-GAE. Exported to Antilles/foreign registered based aircraft: C-GJIJ Bell 206B Jet Ranger II 758 reported sold in Antilles. 00.11.1994 to C-GJIJ. I-D224 Pipistrel Virus 944VN912 2019 Stichting Wings for Aid, Hilversum, Netherlands Transported to Curacao and subsequent badly damaged in f/l near Hato. N46GA Rockwell Commander 695A 96065 12.12.1986 cld as sold to Zunoca Freezone Aruba NV, Oranjestad on 23.11.1986. Nothing heard of it since ! N73H Rockwell Commander 695A 96030 (possibly N9950S ntu) N73H was sold to Eastern Estade SA, Nassau, Bahamas on 07.04.1987, then to Zunoca Freezone Aruba NV, Oranjestad on 07.05.1987. It was later reported sold in 00.09.1987 to Air Caribe Ltda, Cartagena, Bolivar, Colombia, then presumable seized, for the Air Force as FAC5198. N304AG SAAB 340B 340B-418 N418XJ, SE-B18 28.07.2021 arr Curacao on del to EZ Air; full EZ Air c/s. N417XJ SAAB 340B 340B-417 SE-B17 25.02.2021 ntd Charleston, SC, USA in full EZ Air c/s. 28.09.2021 frd Orlando, FL- Springfield, IL in EZ Air c/s. expected to be delivered to EZ Air in 2021. N711LF Douglas DC-8-33 45260 N8209U 00.00.1978 leased by ALM from Rosenbalm Aviation, ex ONA 15.03.1978 noted in full ALM c/s at Miami 01.08.1978 Seen Geneva (Swiss), full ALM c/s, Air Gabon tls and tail colors 29.03.1979 returned to Rosenbalm and leased to Zantop N773BA Cessna 172S Skyhawk 172S8773 00.00.12 Based Sint Maarten, large “Sunset St. Maarten” advertisements on fuselage and tail (first seen as such may 2012). N848MA Britten-Norman BN-2B-21 Islander 2210 27.06.2019 cld, export Netherlands Antilles. N939AC Cessna 152 15285612 00.03.2011 Falki Aviation Curaçao, based Hato. Leased/bought from Napels Air Center, Florida. N2710J Fairchild F-27J 121 Allgeheny Airlines 30Aug1972- 08Mar1974 leased to Windward Island Airways International (Winair), Sint Maarten to CP-1175 N4559P Piper PA-23-250 Aztec 27-65 built 1960 Used for firefighter training at St Maarten/Prinses Juliana airport, seen there 00.12.2002. N51832 Cessna 172P Skyhawk 17274357 00.01.2012 in service Falki Aviation Curaçao, based Hato. 06.02.2012 Arr Hato on del. N5552W Piper PA-28-160 Cherokee 28-643 01.10.2003 cld as destroyed- "was registered in the Netherlands Antilles". N5711R Cessna 172F Skyhawk 17253369 Abandoned Sint Maarten by pilot from Puerto Rico and bought by G.J. Casius, rgd to F.H. Keller-Casius and based Sint Maarten. 00.00.1975 sold to Fons Vrieze and exported to Suriname. to PZ-NAK, PZ-PAK N5833N Rockwell Commander 690C 11606 N911BP, N911BB, N5858K sold on 18.07.1990 to Carlos Alberto Matiauda in Asuncion, Paraguay. It was reported with "Bonaire" in Antilles however, and with Gobierno del Estado be Tamaulipas as XC-ALO by 00.10.1991, later XC-AA29. N7555C Forney F-1 Aircoupe 5672 Damaged during short landing at St Eustatius. Damage to nosegear and front fuselage. Aircraft appeared to be stolen at Puerto Rico. Bought for USD 800 from owner by G.J. Casius and repaired, registered to F.H. Keller-Casius and based Sint Maarten. During 1970ies sold in Puerto Rico. 08.02.1993 fatal accident Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. NC9355H North American SNJ-4 88-9333 BuA 09818 00.05.1948 to Clarence ("Joe") Ferry and based De Vuijst Field, Aruba. 14.04.1948 arrived De Vuijst after a five and a half day ferry flight from Richmond, Virginia via Miami (FLorida), Key West (Florida), Havana (Cuba), Camaguey (Cuba), Santiago (Cuba) en Port au Prince (Haiti). 00.10.1948 damaged at Aruba; probably a wing was replaced after reportedly the aircraft was landed with a wheel brake lock and it cartwheeled into a hangar. 13.11.1951 sold to Trade-Ayer, Inc, Linden, NJ; 12.1951 to Spartan Aero Repair Division, Camden, NJ and sold in Israel 05.1952. N9732L Cessna 172P Skyhawk 17276603 00.05.2012 in service Falki Aviation Curaçao, based Hato. OO-SVN Fokker F.27-100 Friendship 10166 PK-OBP, 9V-BLE, ZK-BXA, ZK-MFS, ZK-BXA, PH-FCE 18.05.1995 OO-SVN cld, sold to Antilles but not taken up 15.07.1995 seen stored Dinard, France. 15.08.1995 seen stored Dinard, "OO-SVN" taped over, no titles, all white, Flanders logo on tail to 9U-BHE BNP Lease S.A., finally scrapped Dinard by 2010. OO-SVL Fokker F.27-100 Friendship 10113 F-BYAP, VH-TFC, PH-FAI 18.05.1995 OO-SVL cld, sold to Antilles but not taken up Since 1995 stored Dinard, France. Finally scrapped Dinard by 2010. PH-KVH Fokker F27 Mk050 20217 17.06.2011 Departed Norwich, via Keflavik, Gander, Halifax (nightstop), Nassau to Willemstad/Hato, Curaçao on delivery to Insel Air Aruba. In white c/s, as PH-KVH. Will be dismantled for spares. 23.06.2011 PH-KVH cld; later used at Willemstad/Hato as fire trainer and believed scrapped in 2017. "YV3811" Beech E90 King Air LW-256 N63BV, N63BW 23.03.2011 impounded Curaçao-Hato, false marks. 00.02.2012 reserved as N63BV. 00.00.2012 rgd N63BV (cld 19.10.2012, CoR expired) Cessna 172N Skyhawk 17271995 00.07.1995 exported to Antilles. Possibly to PJ-CAG. Cessna 525A CitationJet 2 525A-0406 25.06.2008 FAA reported non-reg; aircraft destined for Antilles. Not taken up, became PR-WAT (07.2008). Sources: Jan Belzer Tony Broadhurst Cedric Bronswinkel Ger Buskermolen Gerard Casius Barry Collman Herman Dekker Tony Doyle Berend Jan Floor/ Rob Götte Dan Hagedorn Mark Harvey R.J. James Xander Koote Steward Lanham Miguel van der Loos Ken Parfitt Dave Partington Colin Smith Leslie Snelleman Keith Share Ton van Soest Jos Stevens Rob Tempel Edwin van de Terp Norman Thompson Ad Vercruijsse Henk Wadman John Wilby Allan Wright Air-Britain, Airnieuws, Luchtvaartkennis, Amigoe newspaper, Antilliaans Dagblad,,, Scramble